

571 bytes added, 06:19, 15 August 2012
*Apply vitamin E oil topically to the anal area or cutting off the end of a vitamin E capsule, and squeezing the oil inside into the anus also brings a great deal of pain relief.
* [[DMSO]] : dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). In the literature, there is one anecdotal study in which a physician used DMSO topically for hemorrhoids. By his report, a 70 percent solution of DMSO will dissolve blood-engorged hemorrhoids almost overnight. It may be worth trying.
* [[Cumin]] : The main reason behind piles is constipation added with infections in the wound in the anal tract, which again is caused by constipation. Cumin, because of its dietary fiber content and carminative, stimulating, anti fungal and anti microbial properties due to the presence of essential oils comprising mainly of Cuminaldehyde and certain pyrazines, acts as a natural laxative in powdered form, helps healing up of infections or wounds in the digestive & excretory system and speeds up digestion too.
== Warnings ==
[[Category:inflammatory disease]]