
Omega-3 fatty acids

286 bytes removed, 08:45, 30 August 2012
/* The benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids are */
==The benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids are==
*Omega-3 is not only good for the heart but also for the skin? But to put it plainly it does makes sense since the heart is the pumping center of the body, so if the heart is healthy, the other organs would simply be healthy as well. If the heart is pumping healthy blood surely, it provides healthy blood all throughout the body. It has been believed that Omega-3 prevents the drying of the skin and even helps solve your problem of [[eczema]] and [[psoriasis]]. Omega-3 are healthy fats that can be found in the foods that you eat such as fish (salmon, anchovies) and nuts (spinach and walnuts, preferably unsalted), aside from the supplements you can buy at the pharmacy. This will help keep your skin supple and prevent you from having wrinkles.
* Scientists have discovered that when cancer cells are subjected to omega-3, cancer cell apoptosis (self-destruction) increases. Omega-3 also inhibits an anti-inflammatory enzyme that advances breast cancer, and activates two genes—BRCA1 and BRC2 (breast cancer genes 1 and 2)—that help prevent cancer development.
* According to studies, consuming a diet high in omega 3 fatty acids causes significant improvement in severely depressed persons, even better than what anti-depressants may give.
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