

185 bytes added, 09:10, 9 September 2012
/* Home remedies */
* [[Vitamin C]] : In a study of 13,130 adults published in 2000, researchers found that women with higher levels of vitamin C were less likely to develop gallstones. Vitamin C, which is essential for converting cholesterol to bile acids, is available in a number of fruits and vegetables (including citrus, berries, broccoli, and kale), as well as in supplement form.
* Fiber : Research suggests that following a diet rich in fiber may help prevent gallstone formation. Fiber sources include whole grains, legumes, psyllium seeds, and flaxseeds.
* Himalayan salt or Celtic Sea Salt carry just under 100 microminerals, which help the body curb [[gout]] and fight crystalline buildup of gallstones, liver, kidney and bladder stones.
== Warnings ==