
Aloe Vera

556 bytes added, 16:34, 20 September 2012
Over the past 3,000 years, people from countries all over the world have given this plant nicknames like: The Silent Healer, Plant of Immortality, No Need of a Doctor, Man's Natural Medicine Cabinet, Pain's Natural Enemy, and Energy of Youth. Aloe is a plant originally from Africa. The long, green leaves contain ALOE GEL and a sticky yellow residue called ALOE LATEX.
==Special Precautions of Aloe Vera==
*Menstruating or pregnant women should not use Aloe Vera, in any form, to relieve constipation
*Aloe-emodin, aloin and aloe latex (all substances naturally present in aloe juice) are classified as anthraquinones, a type of powerful laxative. Since these substances may have toxic effects, medical experts typically avoid consuming aloe juice that contains anthraquinones.
* There's also some concern that drinking aloe juice may lower blood sugar levels and trigger gastrointestinal problems (such as abdominal cramping and diarrhea).
* The aloe vera Aloe latex : People with intestinal disorders should not contain any use aloe latex.Overdose of aloe latex can cause dehydration, aloinelectrolyte imbalance, or aloe-emoin compoundsred urine, substances in the severe diarrhea, kidney dysfunction, and possibly death.Aloe latex is not recommended for use internally for longer than 10 days, because it can cause laxative dependency. Long-term use of aloe plant that are very powerful laxativeslatex may cause potassium deficiency and result in irregular heartbeat and weakness. * Aloe gel should not be taken directly from : There haven't been problems reported with the plant as a home remedyuse of aloe gel, as other than occasional allergic reactions. More research on the gel can safety of aloe needs to be contaminated with the latexdone. Only Aloe gel or juice preparations specifically for internal use should not be usedfor severe burns or wounds. For more information about People should seek medical attention.The safety of aloe verain children, read the Aloe Vera Fact Sheetpregnant or nursing women, or people with liver and kidney disease has not been established.
==The benefits of Aloe Vera are==
* Acne : Probably one of the most known benefits of aloe vera is its excellent ability in improving numerous skin conditions such as acne. However, it must be noted that it does not “treat” acne but instead reduces its swelling, redness and inflammation as little as one week of application. Sufferers can simply break the aloe vera leaf and apply the watery gel to the acne area. It acts as an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial ointment for the skin.
*Burns : Aloe Vera also can also act as an anti-inflammatory ointment for the skin. Just like acne and other skin conditions like itching, insect bites, rashes and cold sores, rubbing the watery gel upon the burned skin would improve its condition. It can help reduce the redness of the skin and provide therapeutic effect on mild burns and sun burns.
*[[Hypertension ]] : Many herbs have shown to be an effective high blood pressure treatment, and aloe vera is no exception. Carboxypeptidase, a compound found in aloe vera, inactivates a compound called bradykinin in the blood that can weaken and damage blood vessels thus improving blood circulation. It also acts as a body alkalizer, helping maintain normal body pH level and avoiding free radical damage in veins and arteries. Adding aloe vera in you daily diet, together with regular exercise will help in preventing hypertension.*[[Arthritis ]] : Doctors define arthritis as an inflammation of one or more joints which results to stiffness, swelling and pain. Aloe Vera, which is widely known as an anti-inflammatory, is one of the best treatments for arthritis sufferers. A study published in the Journal of American Podiatric Medical Association in 1994 showed how aloe vera prevents arthritis and reduces inflammation in affected areas, showing a 70% decrease in the swelling.*[[Psoriasis ]] : A study presented at the International Congress of Dermatology showed a greater decrease in disease activity for those with plaque psoriasis who took aloe vera rather than topical steroids. Psoriasis is a skin diseases characterized by red, dry plaques of thickened skin. Most psoriasis sufferers rely on topical ointments like expensive steroids. In the study, half of the 80 patients received a 70% aloe vera cream and the other half 0.1 percent of topical steroid. After eight weeks, those who were given aloe vera cream showed greater reduction in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI).*[[Varicose Veins ]] : Swollen, irregular shaped veins called varicose veins found in legs commonly develop in women and cause much self-consciousness. Treatment of aloe vera together with tea tree oil combat varicose veins as they help in reducing redness, swelling, inflammation and discomfort from mild to moderate cases. Recommended aloe vera dosage is from 50 to 200mg per day in capsule for while tea tree oil is applied three to four times a day in the affected skin.
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