
Artemisia annua

866 bytes added, 06:17, 13 October 2012
/* The benefits of Artemisia Annua are */
==The benefits of Artemisia Annua are==
Sweet Annie contains a chemical called artemisinin that seems to be effective against the parasites that cause malaria. Some drug manufacturers make anti-malarial medications from artemisinin that they have modified in the laboratory.Sweet Annie should not be used alone for malaria since it may only inactivate the parasites that cause malaria, not actually kill them. The amount of artemisinin in sweet Annie might be too small to kill all the parasites that cause malaria, but large enough to make these parasites resistant to further treatment with more powerful malaria drugs that also contain artemisinin.Many researchers are investigating new ways to increase the amount of artemisinin in sweet Annie.
* Malaria. Taking sweet Annie tea for 4-7 days might improve symptoms and decrease the number of active parasites in people with malaria. The tea should not be boiled, because heat will destroy the chemical that seems to fight malaria. There is some concern that if sweet Annie tea is used alone instead of in combination with usual malaria treatments it might only inactivate the malaria parasites, not actually kill them.
*AIDS-related infections: People with AIDS sometimes use sweet Annie to prevent an often fatal type of lung infection called pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) that is caused by a fungus.
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