

627 bytes added, 17:30, 9 March 2011
/* Home remedies */
== Home remedies ==
* a three day process wherein you drink apple juice for two days. On the second night drink a mixture of 3 ounces of fresh squeezed lemon and three ounces of dark olive oil. Drink this concoction every 15 - 20 minutes till its over. Third day would be the D-day when you would be able to pass the stones.
* Having apple and citrus food are very helpful as it contains pectin which fight this problem.
* You can use a herb called Quebra Pedra in the form of a tea to get relief from gallstones. Take two teaspoons of this herb in 500ml of water. Complete this concoction within a day and should be continued for a month or two.
== Warnings ==
Bureaucrat, administrator