
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan

479 bytes added, 06:52, 18 November 2012
/* Benefits and uses of Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan are */
* Keep out of reach of children.
==Benefits and uses of Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan are==
for For seasonal gastrointestinal disorders. In China, the Chinese medicine is a household herbal remedy recommended by doctors for stomach flu, summer colds, heat stroke that are often associated with hot and humid summer weather.This formula is designed for what Chinese Medicine calls Wind-Cold with Interior impairment and Dampness Retention. This occurs when just about all of the following symptoms are present: * Aversion to cold * Fever * Headache * Abdominal pain * Vomiting and nausea * Diarrhea or very loose stools This may be due to the stomach flu or virus, colitis, acute gastroenteritis, motion-sickness, or morning sickness (if pregnant, consult a licensed practitioner before taking).
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
[[Category:Chinese medicine]]