
Ovarian Cancer

265 bytes added, 16:07, 23 December 2012
/* Home remedies */
* Lycopene in Tangerine Tomatoes is particularly effective in fighting [[Breast Cancer]] and [[Prostate Cancer]], Ovarian Cancer, [[Cervical Cancer]], and [[Colon Cancer]].
*[[Moringa]] root bark kills ovarian cancer cells due to unique phytochemicals.
* Tea : Women who regularly drink tea, including black tea, green tea, or oolong tea, appear to have a significantly lower risk of developing ovarian cancer. One study found that drinking 2 or more cups of tea daily seems to cut ovarian cancer risk by almost half.
* [[Green Tea]] can specifically help prevent against ovarian, endometrial, cervical, and various other forms of gynecologic cancer.
* [[Flaxseed]] : A case-control study discovered that U.S. women who had the highest intake of plant lignans also had the lowest rates of ovarian cancer. Lignans found in flaxseed are considered phytoestrogens. These compounds 'plug' into estrogen receptors, blocking stronger forms of the hormone which aggravate ovarian cancer. Flaxseed lignans also act as an antioxidant. In a surprising investigation involving flax fed chickens, researchers at the University of Illinois found that ovarian cancer was significantly reduced in hens that consumed the seed. According to professor Janice Bahr, "In hens fed flaxseed, we found that more tumors were confined to the ovary and they had less metastatic spread. This is an important finding as the metastases that accompany late-stage ovarian cancer are the main cause of death from the disease."