

1 byte removed, 07:01, 19 January 2013
/* Home remedies */
* [[Testosterone Booster]]
* [[Creatine]] is a compound that attracts water into muscle cells, which in turn stretches the cell membrane and sends a signal to increase the size of the muscle cells. Researchers at the University of Thessaly in Greece found that creatine supplementation shows potential in boosting muscle mass and function in catabolic wasting patients. However, further research is necessary. The findings were reported in the November 2009 issue of "Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care."
CLA* Conjugated [[linoleic Conjugated Linoleic Acid]], or CLA, is a healthy omega-6 fatty acid that might provide benefits for those suffering from cancer cachexia, according to a study performed by researchers at the National Institute of Nursing Research. They found that mice with cancer cachexia given CLA preserved their muscle mass and experienced reductions in muscle wasting, according to research reported in the February 2005 issue of "Research in Nursing and Health."* [[Whey Protein ]] : Protein is the most important macronutrient responsible for preserving and building muscle mass, especially in catabolic wasting patients. Scientists reported in the November 2009 issue of "Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care" that increasing protein to 1.5 g/kg per day may provide some benefits for those with cachexia. Supplementing with whey protein, a high-quality protein, can make it easier to reach your required amount of protein.
* Medical [[marijuana]]