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Cellulite is the bane of many women's existence(also known as adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, making thighsstatus protrusus cutis, hips gynoid lipodystrophy, orange peel syndrome and rears look like cottage cheese skin) is the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue that manifests topographically as skin of an orange peel. North Dallas Dermatology says more than 80 percent of women over 20 have cellulite. Fat cells grouped together dimpling and separated with fibrous strands cause cellulite's bumpy appearancenodularity, which worsens with weight gain because often on the gaps between the cell groups expandpelvic region, causing the telltale dimpling. Many cellulite remedies existlower limbs, from surgery to diet to home treatmentsand abdomen. Consult a doctor before trying any home remedies not approved by the FDACellulite occurs in most postpubertal females and rarely in males.
== Symptoms ==