

324 bytes added, 17:17, 28 January 2013
/* Special Precautions of Buckwheat */
Buckwheat is the fruit seed of a plant originally from Asia and is known for driving the evil away from homes. It is also very attractive for bees which can produce a special kind of honey, dark colored and strong flavored. In ancient times witches would use buckwheat to draw circles in aid of their rituals. For this reason in Eastern cultures, buckwheat is a symbol of propriety and a defender of it. Buckwheat is part of the Polygonaceae family. Scientifically it is named bitter buckwheat, and is both an aliment and a herb with healing characteristics. Buckwheat contains linoleic acid, vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, E, P), essential amino acids, minerals - chromium, copper, manganese, folic acid - and is an excellent source of magnesium. These proprieties recommend buckwheat as having a pronounced Yang feature. It has anti-tumor and tonic effects.
==Special Precautions of Buckwheat==
*Please note, rarely some people are in fact allergic to buckwheat and can have a severe allergic reaction. This is rare, but something you should be aware of as you consider adding this superfood to your regular dietary habits.*If you need to be gluten-free; when buying buckwheat products like soba noodles do check the label as wheat flour is often added.*Chinese medicine cautions against buckwheat for individuals with spleen qi deficiency.*Macrobiotics indicates buckwheat will only do well in the intestines when Candida has been dealt with.
==The benefits of Buckwheat are==