

183 bytes added, 09:22, 2 March 2013
/* Benefits and uses of Bergamot are */
* Stress : In a 2009 study from the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, researchers found that inhalation of bergamot essential oil may help reduce stress and promote relaxation in healthy individuals. In addition, a 2011 study published in Natural Product Communications found that incorporating a combination of lavender and bergamot essential oils into massage therapy may help lower stress levels and improve mood.
* Ringworm : Bergamot essential oil shows promise in the treatment of dermatophytoses, a fungal infection commonly known as ringworm. In a 2007 study published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, tests on several common species of dermatophytoses-causing fungi found that bergamot essential oil may possess antifungal properties.
* Treating a tumor under the skin due to a fungal infection (mycosis fungoides), when used along with ultra-violet (UV) light.
* Protecting the body against lice and other parasites.