

69 bytes added, 17:22, 5 March 2013
/* Special Precautions of Turmeric */
*People with congestive heart disease whose cause remains unidentified and people with painful gallstones, obstructive jaundice, acute bilious colic, or extremely toxic liver disorders should avoid eating Turmeric.
* there's some evidence that turmeric supplements may aggravate gallbladder disease.
* Some people have reported an allergic reaction (rash and itching).
* Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Turmeric can cause stomach upset in some people. It might make stomach problems such as GERD worse. Don’t take turmeric if it worsens symptoms of GERD.
*Surgery: Turmeric might slow blood clotting. It might cause extra bleeding during and after surgery. Stop using turmeric at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.