
Vitamin E

2 bytes added, 14:20, 16 March 2013
/* The benefits of Vitamin E are */
*Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamin E might slow down the worsening of memory loss in people with moderately severe Alzheimer’s disease. But vitamin E does not seem to prevent moving from mild memory problems to full-blown Alzheimer’s disease.
*Painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea). Taking vitamin E for 2 days before and for 3 days after bleeding begins seems to decrease pain severity and duration, and reduce menstrual blood loss.
*Premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Taking vitamin E by mouth seems to reduce anxiety, craving, and depression in some women with PMS.
*Chemotherapy-related nerve damage. Taking vitamin E before and after treatment with cisplatin chemotherapy might reduce the chance of getting nerve damage.
*Ischemic stroke. Some research shows that taking vitamin E might slightly decrease the chance of having a stroke caused by a blood clot (ischemic stroke). But taking vitamin E might also increase the chance of having a more severe type of stroke, called hemorrhagic stroke. This kind of stroke occurs when there is bleeding into the brain.
*Liver disease called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Taking vitamin E 400-1200 IU daily seems to significantly improve symptoms in adults and children after 4-24 months of treatment.
*Huntington’s chorea. Natural vitamin E (RRR-alpha-tocopherol) can significantly improve symptoms in people with early Huntington’s disease, but it doesn’t seem to help people with more advanced disease.
*Macular degeneration. Taking vitamin E by mouth in combination with vitamin C, beta-carotene and zinc might slow the worsening of advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD). There isn’t enough information to know if this combination helps people with less advanced macular disease or prevents AMD. Zinc needs to be present in the combination for there to be any effect on AMD.
*Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Vitamin E taken along with standard treatment is better than standard treatment alone for reducing pain in people with RA. But this combination doesn’t reduce swelling (inflammation).