

1 byte added, 08:33, 22 March 2013
/* Benefits and uses of Flavonoids are */
* Bee sting allergy. Bee venom is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of severe allergies to bee sting. Increasing doses are given over time by injection under the skin. This treatment typically provides 98% to 99% protection from allergic reactions to bee stings. Once bee venom treatment is stopped, the risk of an allergic reaction over the next 5 to 10 years is about 5% to 15%.
*Burns, when honey is used. Applying honey to burned skin seems to help improve healing.
*Cough, when honey is used. Taking honey at bedtime seems to help reduce nighttime coughing in children over the age of 2 years. It seems to work about as well as an over-the-counter cough medicine called dextromethorphan.
*Herpes, when propolis is used. An ointment that contains propolis seems to help genital herpes sores heal. It may work even better than a prescription medication called 5% acyclovir ointment.
A type of mouth surgery called sulcoplasty, when propolis is used. Propolis mouth rinse following sulcoplasty seems to improve healing and reduce pain and swelling.
[[Category:herbal medicine]]