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User1 (Talk | contribs)
(Special Precautions of Apples)
User1 (Talk | contribs)
(The benefits of (organic or bio) Apples are)
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**Breast Cancer: apples have been found to both prevent and to suppress mammary cancers in the animal model.
**Breast Cancer: apples have been found to both prevent and to suppress mammary cancers in the animal model.
**Multi-Drug Resistant Cancer: carotenoids extracted from apple have been found to inhibit drug resistant cancer cell line proliferation.
**Multi-Drug Resistant Cancer: carotenoids extracted from apple have been found to inhibit drug resistant cancer cell line proliferation.
**Esophageal Cancer: An apple-derived procyanidin has been found to suppress esophageal cancer.
**[[Esophageal Cancer]]: An apple-derived procyanidin has been found to suppress esophageal cancer.
**Stomach Cancer: One of the ways in which apple constituents prevent stomach cancer is through their inhibition of Helicobacter pylori, one of the main infectious agents linked to both ulcer and gastric cancer. But apple procyanidin has also been studied for its ability to directly induce programmed cell death within stomach cancer cells.
**[[Stomach Cancer]]: One of the ways in which apple constituents prevent stomach cancer is through their inhibition of Helicobacter pylori, one of the main infectious agents linked to both ulcer and gastric cancer. But apple procyanidin has also been studied for its ability to directly induce programmed cell death within stomach cancer cells.
** [[Colon Cancer]] : pectin and other fibers Oligosaccharides from apples killed up to 46 percent of human colon cancer cells in vitro,
* Apples are low in calories. Only 50 calories are gained in 100-gram fresh apple slices, lower compared to other fruits and food choices. A study showed that people who ate a fresh apple 15 minutes before eating lunch consumed approximately 190 lesser calories compared to what they would consume without eating apple prior to eating meals. This proves that eating apples before meal would be a great way in reducing calorie intake.
* Apples are low in calories. Only 50 calories are gained in 100-gram fresh apple slices, lower compared to other fruits and food choices. A study showed that people who ate a fresh apple 15 minutes before eating lunch consumed approximately 190 lesser calories compared to what they would consume without eating apple prior to eating meals. This proves that eating apples before meal would be a great way in reducing calorie intake.
*  apple peel contains ursolic acid which can reduce obesity, pre-diabetes, and fatty liver disease.
*  apple peel contains ursolic acid which can reduce obesity, pre-diabetes, and fatty liver disease.
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*Periodontal Disease: We all know the sensation that follows eating an apple – that astringent property, where our gums feel squeaky clean. This is due, in part, to quercetin, which is found in apples, tea and onions, for example. It bears significant antimicrobial properties Apple polyphenol also protects against periodontal ligament cell destruction associated with Porphyromonas gingivalis, a pathogenic anaerobic bacteria, infection.[xxiv]
*Periodontal Disease: We all know the sensation that follows eating an apple – that astringent property, where our gums feel squeaky clean. This is due, in part, to quercetin, which is found in apples, tea and onions, for example. It bears significant antimicrobial properties Apple polyphenol also protects against periodontal ligament cell destruction associated with Porphyromonas gingivalis, a pathogenic anaerobic bacteria, infection.[xxiv]
*Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs): AGEs are associated with the oxidation of blood sugars, primarily. These sugars becomes caramelized when exposed to oxidants, and then binds to cell structures, e.g. fats/proteins, causing damage. Apple leaves have been found to have significant anti-AGE activity, including the vasoconstriction associated with AGE-induced endothelial dysfunction.
*Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs): AGEs are associated with the oxidation of blood sugars, primarily. These sugars becomes caramelized when exposed to oxidants, and then binds to cell structures, e.g. fats/proteins, causing damage. Apple leaves have been found to have significant anti-AGE activity, including the vasoconstriction associated with AGE-induced endothelial dysfunction.
*Hair Loss: Remarkably, a procyanidin, labeled B-2, from apples promotes hair growth, in the cell model.
*[[Hair Loss]]: Remarkably, a procyanidin, labeled B-2, from apples promotes hair growth, in the cell model.
*Staphylococcal Infections: Apple pectin has been shown to inhibit synthesis of types A and B staphylococcal enterotoxins, which can cause profound bodily damage.
*Staphylococcal Infections: Apple pectin has been shown to inhibit synthesis of types A and B staphylococcal enterotoxins, which can cause profound bodily damage.
*Influenza Infection: Over 60 years ago researchers found that the complex carbohydrates that make up apple pectin inhibit the infectivity of influenza A virus in chicken blood, as well in embryonated eggs, indicating its potential anti-influenza properties.
*[[Influenza]] Infection: Over 60 years ago researchers found that the complex carbohydrates that make up apple pectin inhibit the infectivity of influenza A virus in chicken blood, as well in embryonated eggs, indicating its potential anti-influenza properties.
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Latest revision as of 02:28, 29 March 2013

Other Names: Abilde, Almindelig Aeble, Apfel, Apfelbaum, Äppel, Äppelträd, Apple Tree, Eble, Echter Apfelbaum, Iabloko, Iablonia, Jablon Domáca, Kultur-Apfel, Maça, Maçanzeira, Maceira, Macieira, Malus domestica, Malus malus, Malus pumila, Malus sylvestris, Manzana, Manzano, Mela, Melo, Paratiisiomena, Ping Guo, Pomme, Pommier, Pomo, Pommier Commun, Pyrus malus, Ringo, Seiyou Ringo, Tarhaomenapuu, Tuffahh, Žlahtna jablana.

Special Precautions of Apples

  • Allergy to apricot and related plants: Apple may cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to the Rosaceae family. Members of this family include apricot, almond, plum, peach, pear, and strawberry. If you have allergies, be sure to check with your healthcare provider before taking apple.
  • The USDA tested 700 different apple samples and found residues of at least one type of pesticide on 98% of them. 92% of apples contained pesticides even after being washed and peeled. After being sprayed with pesticides in the orchards, just-picked conventional apples are given another round of pesticide treatment to maintain their eye-appeal and to extend their shelf life.
  • Apples are stored for months in supermarkets’ cold storage; during that time, their nutritional value decreases and they also lose flavor and crispness.Conventional apples also contain nitrates, the same cancer-causing preservative found in bacon, cold cuts, and pepperoni.Besides cancer, pesticide exposure has been linked to Parkinson’s, brain damage, ADHD, and lower intelligence.
  • The apple seeds, contain cyanide and are poisonous. Eating enough seeds (in one case, one cup of apple seeds) can cause death. The cyanide is released in the stomach as the seeds are digested, so it may take several hours for the symptoms of poisoning to appear.
  • Fexofenadine (Allegra) interacts with apple.

The benefits of (organic or bio) Apples are

  • An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. This adage is true since apples are very rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that are beneficial in lowering the risk of inflammation and cancers.
  • Studies have also shown that apples have the ability to lower total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol. Additionally it helps in the regulation of blood sugar levels in the body due to its influence in the digestion process and in the absorption of carbohydrates in the body.
  • eating more apples, and adding more natural antioxidants into your meals, could be an important step. More research is needed before we can say definitively that quercetin and other polyphenols have therapeutic value against Pancreatic Cancer.
  • Malic Acid is a natural substance found in fruit and vegetables - one of the richest sources being apples.
  • Apples help fight heart disease. Preventing coronary heart diseases and other cardiovascular problems is usually effected by eating apples.Potassium, one of the minerals present in apples, is an essential element of cell and body fluids which helps in managing the heart rate and controlling the blood pressure. It also counterattacks the bad effects of sodium. There is also a decrease in lipid peroxidation, also referred to as the oxidation of fat, including the fats present in the bloodstream or those found in the cell membranes which links to the blood vessels; hence, lowering the risk of chronic heart diseases. In addition, apples also contain quercetin which provides anti-inflammatory benefits to the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, soluble fibers make it hard for cholesterol plaques to build up in the arteries; that's why the tendency of acquiring heart-related diseases is prevented.. Flavonoids are also of great help in fighting heart diseases. It is advised that yellow and red apples will be eaten by people who would want to keep away from heart diseases.
  • Apples are rich in fiber. One of the primary reasons why apple is considered to be a cleansing fruit is because of its richness in fiber. Both soluble and insoluble fibers can be found in apples. Medium-sized apples contain almost 13% of the suggested daily amount of dietary fiber. The soluble fiber prevents cholesterol buildups while the insoluble fiber provides volume for the gastrointestinal tract that is in charge in holding water used for cleansing. Being rich in fiber, apples are good for the digestive system. Eating apples regularly will help you have smooth bowel movements. The probability of experiencing constipation is also minimized. Moreover, eating the skin of apples will help raise insoluble fiber contents and are best for detoxifying the body.
  • Cancer :
    • Liver Cancer: apple juice, apple pectin and apple peel has been experimentally confirmed to kill liver cancer.
    • Breast Cancer: apples have been found to both prevent and to suppress mammary cancers in the animal model.
    • Multi-Drug Resistant Cancer: carotenoids extracted from apple have been found to inhibit drug resistant cancer cell line proliferation.
    • Esophageal Cancer: An apple-derived procyanidin has been found to suppress esophageal cancer.
    • Stomach Cancer: One of the ways in which apple constituents prevent stomach cancer is through their inhibition of Helicobacter pylori, one of the main infectious agents linked to both ulcer and gastric cancer. But apple procyanidin has also been studied for its ability to directly induce programmed cell death within stomach cancer cells.
    • Colon Cancer : pectin and other fibers Oligosaccharides from apples killed up to 46 percent of human colon cancer cells in vitro,
  • Apples are low in calories. Only 50 calories are gained in 100-gram fresh apple slices, lower compared to other fruits and food choices. A study showed that people who ate a fresh apple 15 minutes before eating lunch consumed approximately 190 lesser calories compared to what they would consume without eating apple prior to eating meals. This proves that eating apples before meal would be a great way in reducing calorie intake.
  • apple peel contains ursolic acid which can reduce obesity, pre-diabetes, and fatty liver disease.
  • Diarrhea: Apple, in combination with chamomile, shortens the course of unspecific diarrhea in children.
  • Hardening of the Arteries (Atherosclerosis): Preclinical research indicates that apple contains compounds which prevent the formation of plaque within the arteries. One rabbit study, for instance, found that apple juice was capable of preventing the progression of atherosclerosis in a high cholesterol diet induced model of atherosclerosis.
  • Overweight: A human study found significant weight loss associated with a daily intake of three apples or three pears among overweight women.
  • Anti-Aging (Brain): Apples have been found to prevent oxidative damage and impaired maze performance, as well as decreases in cognitive performance in aging mice. Also, a study performed on mice found that apple juice actually reduced the production of pathological amyloid-beta levels (associated with Alzheimer’s disease) in the mouse brain.
  • Bowel Inflammation: Preclinical research has found that apple procyanidins reduces bowel inflammation.
  • Vaccine-Induced Toxicity: Many natural substances, including breast milk, have been found to decrease the synthetically-produced immune reaction associated with vaccines, and their adjuvants. Apple polyphenol counts among these, and has been found to prevent cholera toxin when used as an immune stimulant within vaccines from doing as much damage than it would otherwise do.
  • Periodontal Disease: We all know the sensation that follows eating an apple – that astringent property, where our gums feel squeaky clean. This is due, in part, to quercetin, which is found in apples, tea and onions, for example. It bears significant antimicrobial properties Apple polyphenol also protects against periodontal ligament cell destruction associated with Porphyromonas gingivalis, a pathogenic anaerobic bacteria, infection.[xxiv]
  • Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs): AGEs are associated with the oxidation of blood sugars, primarily. These sugars becomes caramelized when exposed to oxidants, and then binds to cell structures, e.g. fats/proteins, causing damage. Apple leaves have been found to have significant anti-AGE activity, including the vasoconstriction associated with AGE-induced endothelial dysfunction.
  • Hair Loss: Remarkably, a procyanidin, labeled B-2, from apples promotes hair growth, in the cell model.
  • Staphylococcal Infections: Apple pectin has been shown to inhibit synthesis of types A and B staphylococcal enterotoxins, which can cause profound bodily damage.
  • Influenza Infection: Over 60 years ago researchers found that the complex carbohydrates that make up apple pectin inhibit the infectivity of influenza A virus in chicken blood, as well in embryonated eggs, indicating its potential anti-influenza properties.

Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.

Last modified on 29 March 2013, at 02:28