

66 bytes added, 09:58, 1 April 2013
/* Home remedies */
* [[Vitamin B2]] : Various studies have shown that individuals who suffer from headaches and migraines may be able to reduce the severity of pain by consuming riboflavin supplements.
* [[Lavender]] is used by herbalists to soothe jangled nerves and has an analgesic effect on migraine sufferers. Lavender reduces the inflammation that occurs in blood vessels during a migraine, and relieves spasms in the muscles of the neck, around the eyes and in the scalp. Place dried lavender flowers in sachets or herbal hot packs to use when headaches start. Alternatively, make a tea by steeping one teaspoon of the dried flowers in one cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Sip slowly throughout the day. Sweeten if desired.
* [[Melatonin]] is an effective treatment for migraine headaches.
== Warnings ==