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[[Category:Essential oil]]
[[Category:Essential oil]]

Latest revision as of 14:23, 1 January 2020


Other Names : Balsam Copaiba, Copal, Jesuit's Balsam, Mal-dos-sete-dias, Balsam, Bálsamo de Copaiba, Baume de Copahu, Copaiba, Kopal, Copaiba Oleoresin, Copaifera langsdorffii, Copaifera officinalis, Copaifera reticulata, Copaiva
Copaiba is a stimulant oleoresin obtained from the trunk of several pinnate-leaved South American leguminous trees (genus Copaifera). The thick, transparent exudate varies in color from light gold to dark brown, depending on the ratio of resin to essential oil.

Special Precautions of Copaiba

  • Copaiba balsam is safe for most people in normal food amounts. However, it seems UNSAFE for use as a medicine. Copaiba balsam can cause side effects such as stomach pains, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, tremor, groin pain, and sleeplessness (insomnia). When used on the skin, it can cause redness, itching, and a rash that might leave brown spots after healing.
  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Copaiba balsam is safe when eaten as food, but it seems UNSAFE in medicinal amounts, which are typically higher. Stick with normal food amounts if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
  • Lithium interacts with Copaiba.

Benefits and uses of Copaiba are

Chemicals in copaiba balsam and copaiba oil might help kill germs. Other chemicals in copaiba balsam might decrease swelling (inflammation), increase the production of urine (act as a diuretic), and help loosen chest congestion (act as an expectorant). Copaiba is very high in B-Caryophyllene. In Clove essential oil, B-Caryophyllene is only found in about 8% of the concentration. In Copaiba – it is 55-60% – the highest of any known essential oil. BCaryophyllene is a Sesquiterpene. Sesquiterpenes have the general property of deleting faulty information in cellular memory that can cause disease. They can cross the blood brain barrier, and play a number of vital biochemical functions in both plants and animals. Sesquiterpenes have properties like hemoglobin in that they can carry oxygen molecules throughout the body and into the cells themselves.

  • antibacterial
  • anti-inflammatory : Copaiba is potentially the highest anti-inflammatory substance known. Many believe of any anti-inflammatory substances – natural or synthetic. It has greater action than Ibuprofen or even Cortisone -Copaiba decreases PGE2 production, and it is a Cox-2 inhibitor – making it very good for heart health (similar to why you would take an aspirin a day). The most plentiful phytochemical (plant-based chemical) in copaiba is beta-caryophyllene. The presence of this phytochemical is what gives copaiba its anti-inflammatory action. There are many research papers indicating the anti-inflammatory benefits of copaiba. Cancer is an inflammatory process in the body, so any natural compound that can arrest or slow this process becomes a welcome ally. Copaiba’s natural anti-inflammatory properties means that it may reduce the inflammatory processes by which cancer can spread.
  • Hemorrhoids (topical)
  • Diarrhea.
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs).
  • Constipation.
  • Bronchitis
  • Skin Health: One of the most notable and popular health benefits of copaiba essential oil is derived from its astringent property. Copaiba’s active components literally tighten the skin, which can help skin look younger, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and even strengthen the skin to prevent lesions or wounds as the body ages.
  • Skin Appearance: Not only does it protect the skin and physically change it, copaiba essential oil also heals the skin and infuses the body with powerful nutrients and organic compounds that can eliminate the appearance of blisters, marks, and pimples. In fact, copaiba essential oil is often topically applied to scars in order to speed their healing and reduce their visibility.
  • Psoriasis : A small clinical trial released in January 2013 indicated copaiba oleoresin reduced the pro-inflammatory cytokines associated with chronic psoriasis. Researchers noted “a significant improvement in the typical signs of this disease, i.e. erythema, skin thickness, and scaliness.”
  • Respiratory Health: In an aromatherapy context, copaiba essential oil is often turned to by people suffering from some sort of congestive problem or respiratory issue. When inhaled, the soothing nature of the copaiba essential oil, which is famed as an anti-inflammatory substance, can ease any discomfort and loosen the tensed muscles and glands that might be causing the irritation.
  • Pain Relief: This seems to be something that everyone looks for, but few people find. Copaiba essential oil is a wonderful analgesic and has been used in this capacity for generations. Whether in an aromatherapeutic context or when topically applied, the oil can help to reduce pain and loosen muscles, eliminating pain in joints, and even easing the discomfort of headaches and migraines.
  • Eliminate Infection: The strong antibacterial nature of copaiba essential oil can act as a major booster for your immune system. It can act as a shield for your skin, protecting any wounds from developing an infection, and also protects you internally, eliminating harmful bacteria and microorganisms that may be negatively affecting you from inside!
  • Anxiety and Mood: As an element of aromatherapy, copaiba essential oil has often been used to lighten the spirits and improve mood. There aren’t many essential oils that have such a sweet, pleasant smell of rich honey, but the combination of the scent and its gentle effects on your hormonal balance can significantly improve your day.
  • Diuretic in Nature: Copaiba essential oil can help to cleanse the body and detoxify the system by stimulating urination. As a diuretic substance, copaiba essential oil can help everything from incontinence to bedwetting when applied properly.
  • Antifungal: When it comes to fungal infections, there aren’t too many essential oils that can do the trick, but the unique terpene structures found in copaiba essential oil are very effective as antifungal agents. If you suffer from athlete’s foot or any sort of nail fungus, applying some copaiba essential oil should significantly speed up the healing process and protect you from future infections.
  • Lower Blood Pressure: If you are interested in boosting heart health and reducing your chances of experiencing a heart attack or a stroke, then adding some copaiba to your aromatherapy ritual or essential oil regimen might be a very wise choice. The anti-inflammatory, soothing nature of copaiba essential oil can help to relieve the tension and strain in your blood vessels, allowing blood pressure to drop and the strain to disappear from your cardiovascular system. This helps to prevent atherosclerosis, which is one of the leading causes of strokes and coronary heart disease.
  • Anti-tumoral Effects : A small animal study reported in September 2015 showed that beta-caryophyllene potently inhibited the growth of solid tumors and lymph node metastasis (spread) in mice with melanoma. An older study released in December 2007 revealed that beta-caryophyllene significantly increased anti-cancer activity against several cancer cell lines, including the aforementioned MCF-7 cells. In fact, researchers stated that “beta-caryophyllene potentiated [increased the effect of] the anticancer activity of paclitaxel,” a chemotherapy drug favored by many oncologists. The combination of beta-caryophyllene and paclitaxel increased the activity of paclitaxel by about ten-fold, helping it work better.
  • Anti-Proliferative Properties : Copaiba has been noted to have anti-proliferative activity. This means that it can prevent the spread of cells, particularly malignant cells, into surrounding tissue. Research reported in December 2015 acknowledged that copaiba was indeed a potent anti-bacterial. But interestingly, the researchers also found it was able to kill MCF-7 breast cancer cells (these are estrogen receptor positive and progesterone receptor positive, infiltrating ductal carcinoma cells) better than doxorubicin (also known as Adriamycin or the “Red Devil”), a much-utilized chemotherapy drug for breast cancer.
  • Neuroprotective Benefits : One interesting study reported in 2012 found that not only was copaiba a potent anti-inflammatory, it also had neuroprotective properties. For those undergoing chemotherapy, copaiba may offer some protection to the nervous system and brain, which are often damaged by such drugs.
Last modified on 1 January 2020, at 14:23