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[[Oxygen Therapy for Cancer]] introduces substances into the body that are supposed to release oxygen. The extra oxygen is believed to increase the body's ability to destroy disease-causing cells. Two of the most common compounds used in oxygen therapy are hydrogen peroxide and ozone—a chemically active form of oxygen.<br>See also : [[Ozone therapy]]
==Special Precautions of Hydrogen peroxide==
==Special Precautions of Hydrogen peroxide==
*Consult your doctor before using any presented information as a form of treatment. Use alternative cancer treatments as a supplement to treatments you receive from your doctor — not as a substitute for medical care. Apply the treatment only under control of an expert.
* Available scientific evidence does not support claims that putting oxygen-releasing chemicals into a person's body is effective in treating cancer. Some types of oxygen treatment may even be dangerous; there have been reports of serious illness and death from hydrogen peroxide. Ozone is a strong oxidant that can damage cells, and has also caused deaths.
*No one uses 1% concentration for internal purposes either. So 3% is way beyond that.
*No one uses 1% concentration for internal purposes either. So 3% is way beyond that.
*In the alternative health field, the maximum is actually 0.5% concentration. Actually and optimum H2O2 concentration was first determined in 1950s by Dr. Reginald Holman by implanting Walker 256 adenocarcinoma tumours. The drinking water for the rat used H2O2 optimum concentration needed to kill the tumors were about 0.45 percent.
*In the alternative health field, the maximum is actually 0.5% concentration. Actually and optimum H2O2 concentration was first determined in 1950s by Dr. Reginald Holman by implanting Walker 256 adenocarcinoma tumours. The drinking water for the rat used H2O2 optimum concentration needed to kill the tumors were about 0.45 percent.
*Tumours completely disappeared in 15 to 60 days in rats. Of course a better way is to add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in the glass of 0.45% concentration of H2O2. This can be extended to treatment of almost any kinds of conditions, from virus, bacteria, microbial infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, flu, etc. My own experience of using just baking soda (also increases the body's oxygen) and ascorbate vitamin C about three weeks for a small tumor to go into remission.
*A more effective I think in the future of peroxide therapy is to add baking soda to the 0.45% concentration to normal drinking water since baking soda is alkaline and increases oxygen, while the peroxide furthers this natural increase. Ted"
* 35% H2O2 is extremely corrosive and causes severe burns; in other words, it's a very hazardous chemical that even professional chemists (and I am one) must handle using appropriate safety equipment (rubber gloves, safety goggles, protective lab coat).
* 35% H2O2 is extremely corrosive and causes severe burns; in other words, it's a very hazardous chemical that even professional chemists (and I am one) must handle using appropriate safety equipment (rubber gloves, safety goggles, protective lab coat).
* The 35% solution MUST always be diluted when used internally. Three drops per six to eight ounces (227g) of water is starting point that is often suggested, although our approach is far more conservative.
* The 35% solution MUST always be diluted when used internally. Three drops per six to eight ounces (227g) of water is starting point that is often suggested, although our approach is far more conservative.
*do not internally use 3% hydrogen peroxide from drug stores as it contains highly toxic chemical stabilizers.
*do not internally use 3% hydrogen peroxide from drug stores as it contains highly toxic chemical stabilizers : There is a simple way to see if Hydrogen Peroxide contains stabilizers: Pour 1/2 cap of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water. If the color has yellow (or other off colors), it has a stabilizer. It is best to set it out in the sun where it is easier to see. If the H202 remains colorless when mixed in a glass of water, it usually does not have a stabilizer.Almost all H2O2 sold in drug stores will have stabilizers, actually to discourage people to use them internally. So you can use this as a way to compare them. Basically, H2O2 poured into a clean glass and left out in a sun covered by a dish should not have air bubbles. If it does, there are metal contaminants. If you are asking for trouble, a drop of ammonia solution in H2O2 mixed in water will cause a rapid air bubble generation. It is more unstable if it has stabilizers. You can try the experiment and compare the results.The test for this is not perfect one, but the key is the color, even when you add just a small amount of water in direct sunlight. Also, a good quality H2O2 doesn't get small bubbles during storage.
*NEVER use hydrogen peroxide at full strength on or in your body. You must dilute the compound to solutions ranging from 0.5% - 3.0%. Follow the dilution instructions.
*NEVER use hydrogen peroxide at full strength on or in your body. You must dilute the compound to solutions ranging from 0.4% - 3.0%. Follow the dilution instructions for the treatment. (internal-external)
*If you spill 35% hydrogen peroxide on your skin, immediately rinse under water. Your skin will burn and turn white. Use caution and avoid spills.
*If you spill 35% hydrogen peroxide on your skin, immediately rinse under water. Your skin will burn and turn white. Use caution and avoid spills.
*Remember that you may experience a number of side effects when using H2O2 for detoxification purposes. H2O2 causes a herxheimer reaction (temporary increase in symptoms) in the presence of viruses or bacteria, affecting the eliminative organs of the body (skin, lungs, kidneys, and bowels). This may result in boils, colds (head or chest), diarrhea, ear infections, infections, nausea, skin eruptions, sleepiness, and unusual fatigue. These are natural toxin elimination processes and are usually of short duration. If symptoms become severe, see your naturopath or other health practitioner. A number of people who have taken H2O2 have cut short their cleansing process in the face of these reactions, hindering the cleansing process. Continue use only as long as you are comfortable and feel in control of the process.
*Remember that you may experience a number of side effects when using H2O2 for detoxification purposes. H2O2 causes a herxheimer reaction (temporary increase in symptoms) in the presence of viruses or bacteria, affecting the eliminative organs of the body (skin, lungs, kidneys, and bowels). This may result in boils, colds (head or chest), diarrhea, ear infections, infections, nausea, skin eruptions, sleepiness, and unusual fatigue. These are natural toxin elimination processes and are usually of short duration. If symptoms become severe, see your naturopath or other health practitioner. A number of people who have taken H2O2 have cut short their cleansing process in the face of these reactions, hindering the cleansing process. Continue use only as long as you are comfortable and feel in control of the process.
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**Any food with iron in it or any supplement with iron in it, is forbidden within the window.
**Any food with iron in it or any supplement with iron in it, is forbidden within the window.
**Don't forget that if you start to have significant stomach problems (a small amount of nausea is to be expected), discontinue the treatment or build up more slowly.
**Don't forget that if you start to have significant stomach problems (a small amount of nausea is to be expected), discontinue the treatment or build up more slowly.
*Remember, ZERO Vitamin C (even in multi-vitamins), ZERO iron supplements, ZERO fats, dilute heavily with water and always take on an empty stomach.
Remember, ZERO Vitamin C (even in multi-vitamins), ZERO iron supplements, ZERO fats, dilute heavily with water and always take on an empty stomach.
==The benefits of Hydrogen peroxide are==
==The benefits of Hydrogen peroxide are==
* Our bodies are composed of four-fifths water of which eight-ninths is oxygen. Oxygen is the most abundant and essential element; of all the elements the body needs, only oxygen is in such constant demand that its absence brings death in minutes. To become a growth medium for parasites, one has to have allowed the oxygen saturation of the body's fluids to drop well below the optimum level for healthy cell growth and function. The simplest substances available for restoring one's oxygen balance to a healthy range are ozone (O3), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is much easier to obtain and use. These are both highly toxic when concentrated, but when diluted to therapeutic levels they are not only non-toxic but uniquely beneficial. When the body is toxic, waste products exceed the cleansing capacity of the body and the blood ends up having to stash them wherever possible. These toxins literally take up so much room in the blood cells that the cells can't take on enough oxygen when they pass through the lungs. Hydrogen peroxide is the only germicidal agent composed only of water and oxygen. Oxygen can be taken internally, in the form of hydrogen peroxide, which is merely water with one additional atom of oxygen attached to the molecule. Water is H2O hydrogen peroxide is H2O2. Hydrogen peroxide exists in rain and snow. It is also manufactured in the photosynthesis process. When we eat raw food, we get it into our system. It came from the ozone layer. When free oxygen splits into single atoms, the new atom combines with a molecule of O2 (diatomic oxygen) and becomes O3 (ozone), and O3, when it comes in contact with water, gives up its extra atom of oxygen, which is not bonded very tightly, and connects up with water to give you H2O2. By just shaking a bottle of water vigorously for a while, you can add enough extra oxygen into it to form detectable amounts of H2O2 improving its purity, flavor, and vitality.
Different varieties of oxygen therapy are promoted as alternative treatments for dozens of diseases, including certain types of cancer, asthma, emphysema, AIDS, arthritis, heart and vascular diseases, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. Some supporters claim that cancer cells thrive in low-oxygen environments. They believe adding oxygen to the body creates an oxygen-rich condition in which cancer cells cannot survive. Supporters of this type of treatment claim that it increases the efficiency of all cells in the body and increases energy, promotes the production of antioxidants, and enhances the immune system. Our bodies are composed of four-fifths water of which eight-ninths is oxygen. Oxygen is the most abundant and essential element; of all the elements the body needs, only oxygen is in such constant demand that its absence brings death in minutes. To become a growth medium for parasites, one has to have allowed the oxygen saturation of the body's fluids to drop well below the optimum level for healthy cell growth and function. The simplest substances available for restoring one's oxygen balance to a healthy range are ozone (O3), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is much easier to obtain and use. These are both highly toxic when concentrated, but when diluted to therapeutic levels they are not only non-toxic but uniquely beneficial. When the body is toxic, waste products exceed the cleansing capacity of the body and the blood ends up having to stash them wherever possible. These toxins literally take up so much room in the blood cells that the cells can't take on enough oxygen when they pass through the lungs. Hydrogen peroxide is the only germicidal agent composed only of water and oxygen. Oxygen can be taken internally, in the form of hydrogen peroxide, which is merely water with one additional atom of oxygen attached to the molecule. Water is H2O hydrogen peroxide is H2O2. Hydrogen peroxide exists in rain and snow. It is also manufactured in the photosynthesis process. When we eat raw food, we get it into our system. It came from the ozone layer. When free oxygen splits into single atoms, the new atom combines with a molecule of O2 (diatomic oxygen) and becomes O3 (ozone), and O3, when it comes in contact with water, gives up its extra atom of oxygen, which is not bonded very tightly, and connects up with water to give you H2O2. By just shaking a bottle of water vigorously for a while, you can add enough extra oxygen into it to form detectable amounts of H2O2 improving its purity, flavor, and vitality.
*No one uses 1% concentration for internal purposes either. So 3% is way beyond that.
*No one uses 1% concentration for internal purposes either. So 3% is way beyond that.
*In the alternative health field, the maximum is actually 0.5% concentration. Actually and optimum H2O2 concentration was first determined in 1950s by Dr. Reginald Holman by implanting Walker 256 adenocarcinoma tumours. The drinking water for the rat used H2O2 optimum concentration needed to kill the tumors were about 0.45 percent.
*In the alternative health field, the maximum is actually 0.5% concentration. Actually and optimum H2O2 concentration was first determined in 1950s by Dr. Reginald Holman by implanting Walker 256 adenocarcinoma tumours. The drinking water for the rat used H2O2 optimum concentration needed to kill the tumors were about 0.45 percent.
*Tumours completely disappeared in 15 to 60 days in rats. Of course a better way is to add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in the glass of 0.45% concentration of H2O2. This can be extended to treatment of almost any kinds of conditions, from virus, bacteria, microbial infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, flu, etc. My own experience of using just baking soda (also increases the body's oxygen) and ascorbate vitamin C about three weeks for a small tumor to go into remission.
*A few studies claim that tumours completely disappeared in 15 to 60 days in rats. Of course a better way is to add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in the glass of 0.45% concentration of H2O2. This can be extended to treatment of almost any kinds of conditions, from virus, bacteria, microbial infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, flu, etc. My own experience of using just baking soda (also increases the body's oxygen) and ascorbate vitamin C about three weeks for a small tumor to go into remission. A more effective I think in the future of peroxide therapy is to add baking soda to the 0.45% concentration to normal drinking water since baking soda is alkaline and increases oxygen, while the peroxide furthers this natural increase.
A more effective I think in the future of peroxide therapy is to add baking soda to the 0.45% concentration to normal drinking water since baking soda is alkaline and increases oxygen, while the peroxide furthers this natural increase. Ted"
*The biggest producers of oxygen are the plankton in the ocean. More oxygen is being put into the body when taking hydrogen peroxide. When oxygen is taken internally, it is capable of eliminating microorganisms in the body to such an extent that arthritis, cancer, ulcers, hives and a total of 35 other conditions can be wiped out or controlled. Raw, uncooked vegetables and fruits contain natural hydrogen peroxide. Cooking drives off the extra oxygen. Mothers' milk contains a high amount of H2O2, especially colostrums, the first milk created after birth, which activates the newborns immune system. H2O2 is the first line of defense, and the key to many metabolic processes. Under conditions of optimum health, H2O2 is produced by the body's immune system in whatever amounts are needed to quickly destroy any invading hostile organisms. It is made by combining water in the body with the free oxygen, which is supposed to be constantly available. When the body is oxygen starved, it can't produce enough H2O2 to wipe out invading pathogens, which can then get the upper hand and cause visible disease. The effectiveness of penicillin against microorganisms is due to the formation of bactericidal amounts of H2O2, when glucose is oxidized by O2 in the presence of penicillium notatin.
*The biggest producers of oxygen are the plankton in the ocean. More oxygen is being put into the body when taking hydrogen peroxide. When oxygen is taken internally, it is capable of eliminating microorganisms in the body to such an extent that arthritis, cancer, ulcers, hives and a total of 35 other conditions can be wiped out or controlled. Raw, uncooked vegetables and fruits contain natural hydrogen peroxide. Cooking drives off the extra oxygen. Mothers' milk contains a high amount of H2O2, especially colostrums, the first milk created after birth, which activates the newborns immune system. H2O2 is the first line of defense, and the key to many metabolic processes. Under conditions of optimum health, H2O2 is produced by the body's immune system in whatever amounts are needed to quickly destroy any invading hostile organisms. It is made by combining water in the body with the free oxygen, which is supposed to be constantly available. When the body is oxygen starved, it can't produce enough H2O2 to wipe out invading pathogens, which can then get the upper hand and cause visible disease. The effectiveness of penicillin against microorganisms is due to the formation of bactericidal amounts of H2O2, when glucose is oxidized by O2 in the presence of penicillium notatin.
*Much of the effectiveness of interferon's effectiveness is due to the fact that it stimulates production of H2O2 and other oxygen intermediates, which are a key factor in reactivating the immune system. The basic difference between normal cells and cancer cells are that the normal cell requires oxygen to combine with glucose, while cancer cells break down glucose without oxygen, yielding only 1/15 the energy per glucose molecule that a normal cell produces. This is why cancer cells have such a huge appetite for sugar, and also why people who consume excessive quantities of sugar tend to get cancer more often. The anaerobic breakdown of glucose by cancer cells forms large amounts of lactic acid as a waste product, the same substance formed by fermentation of lactose as in spoiled milk. The liver converts some of these bacteria into glucose, in an attempt to salvage a food source from toxic waste. In doing this, the liver only uses 1/5 the energy per glucose molecule that a normal cell can then derive from it, but that's three times the energy a cancer cell will get from it. The more the weak, deranged cancer cells multiply, the more energy is lost to normal cells. Low levels of both oxygen and energy tend to occur where cancer is present, and visa versa. This wasteful metabolism becomes self-sustaining and dominant unless the oxygen is increased and the sugar is eliminated. Cancer growths contract and disappear when the oxygen saturation is sufficiently increased in the fluids surrounding them, since they are anaerobic cells. Hyper-oxygenating them with ozone destroys AIDS, herpes, hepatitis, Epstein barr, cytomegalovirus, and other lipid-envelope virus. Cancer tumors though, have a number of protections, like the fibrous coating around them. They produce what is known as peroxidase, which will take hydrogen peroxide that is generated by the leucocytes and it will turn it back to oxygen and water. These cells also have a negative electrical charge similar to healthy cells, so the immune cells don't as easily recognize them as abnormal, and pass over them.
*Much of the effectiveness of interferon's effectiveness is due to the fact that it stimulates production of H2O2 and other oxygen intermediates, which are a key factor in reactivating the immune system. The basic difference between normal cells and cancer cells are that the normal cell requires oxygen to combine with glucose, while cancer cells break down glucose without oxygen, yielding only 1/15 the energy per glucose molecule that a normal cell produces. This is why cancer cells have such a huge appetite for sugar, and also why people who consume excessive quantities of sugar tend to get cancer more often. The anaerobic breakdown of glucose by cancer cells forms large amounts of lactic acid as a waste product, the same substance formed by fermentation of lactose as in spoiled milk. The liver converts some of these bacteria into glucose, in an attempt to salvage a food source from toxic waste. In doing this, the liver only uses 1/5 the energy per glucose molecule that a normal cell can then derive from it, but that's three times the energy a cancer cell will get from it. The more the weak, deranged cancer cells multiply, the more energy is lost to normal cells. Low levels of both oxygen and energy tend to occur where cancer is present, and visa versa. This wasteful metabolism becomes self-sustaining and dominant unless the oxygen is increased and the sugar is eliminated. Cancer growths contract and disappear when the oxygen saturation is sufficiently increased in the fluids surrounding them, since they are anaerobic cells. Hyper-oxygenating them with ozone destroys AIDS, herpes, hepatitis, Epstein barr, cytomegalovirus, and other lipid-envelope virus. Cancer tumors though, have a number of protections, like the fibrous coating around them. They produce what is known as peroxidase, which will take hydrogen peroxide that is generated by the leucocytes and it will turn it back to oxygen and water. These cells also have a negative electrical charge similar to healthy cells, so the immune cells don't as easily recognize them as abnormal, and pass over them.
== References ==
[[Category:home remedies]]
[[Category:Alternative Cancer Treatments]]

Latest revision as of 01:09, 13 October 2013

Oxygen Therapy for Cancer introduces substances into the body that are supposed to release oxygen. The extra oxygen is believed to increase the body's ability to destroy disease-causing cells. Two of the most common compounds used in oxygen therapy are hydrogen peroxide and ozone—a chemically active form of oxygen.
See also : Ozone therapy

Special Precautions of Hydrogen peroxide

  • Consult your doctor before using any presented information as a form of treatment. Use alternative cancer treatments as a supplement to treatments you receive from your doctor — not as a substitute for medical care. Apply the treatment only under control of an expert.
  • Available scientific evidence does not support claims that putting oxygen-releasing chemicals into a person's body is effective in treating cancer. Some types of oxygen treatment may even be dangerous; there have been reports of serious illness and death from hydrogen peroxide. Ozone is a strong oxidant that can damage cells, and has also caused deaths.
  • No one uses 1% concentration for internal purposes either. So 3% is way beyond that.
  • In the alternative health field, the maximum is actually 0.5% concentration. Actually and optimum H2O2 concentration was first determined in 1950s by Dr. Reginald Holman by implanting Walker 256 adenocarcinoma tumours. The drinking water for the rat used H2O2 optimum concentration needed to kill the tumors were about 0.45 percent.
  • 35% H2O2 is extremely corrosive and causes severe burns; in other words, it's a very hazardous chemical that even professional chemists (and I am one) must handle using appropriate safety equipment (rubber gloves, safety goggles, protective lab coat).
  • The 35% solution MUST always be diluted when used internally. Three drops per six to eight ounces (227g) of water is starting point that is often suggested, although our approach is far more conservative.
  • do not internally use 3% hydrogen peroxide from drug stores as it contains highly toxic chemical stabilizers : There is a simple way to see if Hydrogen Peroxide contains stabilizers: Pour 1/2 cap of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water. If the color has yellow (or other off colors), it has a stabilizer. It is best to set it out in the sun where it is easier to see. If the H202 remains colorless when mixed in a glass of water, it usually does not have a stabilizer.Almost all H2O2 sold in drug stores will have stabilizers, actually to discourage people to use them internally. So you can use this as a way to compare them. Basically, H2O2 poured into a clean glass and left out in a sun covered by a dish should not have air bubbles. If it does, there are metal contaminants. If you are asking for trouble, a drop of ammonia solution in H2O2 mixed in water will cause a rapid air bubble generation. It is more unstable if it has stabilizers. You can try the experiment and compare the results.The test for this is not perfect one, but the key is the color, even when you add just a small amount of water in direct sunlight. Also, a good quality H2O2 doesn't get small bubbles during storage.
  • NEVER use hydrogen peroxide at full strength on or in your body. You must dilute the compound to solutions ranging from 0.4% - 3.0%. Follow the dilution instructions for the treatment. (internal-external)
  • If you spill 35% hydrogen peroxide on your skin, immediately rinse under water. Your skin will burn and turn white. Use caution and avoid spills.
  • Remember that you may experience a number of side effects when using H2O2 for detoxification purposes. H2O2 causes a herxheimer reaction (temporary increase in symptoms) in the presence of viruses or bacteria, affecting the eliminative organs of the body (skin, lungs, kidneys, and bowels). This may result in boils, colds (head or chest), diarrhea, ear infections, infections, nausea, skin eruptions, sleepiness, and unusual fatigue. These are natural toxin elimination processes and are usually of short duration. If symptoms become severe, see your naturopath or other health practitioner. A number of people who have taken H2O2 have cut short their cleansing process in the face of these reactions, hindering the cleansing process. Continue use only as long as you are comfortable and feel in control of the process.
  • Hydrogen peroxide can chemically react with certain other substances. This chemical reaction creates a very toxic substance which can severely damage the stomach. To avoid this chemical reaction, there is a "Three Hour Window" every time you take H2O2, where you should not consume certain substances. This "three hour window" does not apply to hydrogen peroxide baths because it only applies to what goes on inside the stomach.For two hours BEFORE taking hydrogen peroxide orally (with water) and for one hour AFTER taking hydrogen peroxide, the foods in this section should be avoided!! This is a "three hour window" where you should not take these substances!!
    • All forms of vitamin C should be avoided. This especially applies to ascorbate forms, but all forms eventually turn into ascorbates, thus no form of Vitamin C should be used inside the "three hour window." This includes avoiding multi-vitamins which contain vitamin C, ascorbic acid, mineral ascorbates (e.g. sodium ascorbate, potassium carbonate, etc.).
    • Fatty acids, such as the Budwig Diet, fish oils, fatty foods, etc. should also be avoided during the "three hour window." In other words, all forms of fat in foods are forbidden within the window.
    • Any food with iron in it or any supplement with iron in it, is forbidden within the window.
    • Don't forget that if you start to have significant stomach problems (a small amount of nausea is to be expected), discontinue the treatment or build up more slowly.
  • Remember, ZERO Vitamin C (even in multi-vitamins), ZERO iron supplements, ZERO fats, dilute heavily with water and always take on an empty stomach.

The benefits of Hydrogen peroxide are

Different varieties of oxygen therapy are promoted as alternative treatments for dozens of diseases, including certain types of cancer, asthma, emphysema, AIDS, arthritis, heart and vascular diseases, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. Some supporters claim that cancer cells thrive in low-oxygen environments. They believe adding oxygen to the body creates an oxygen-rich condition in which cancer cells cannot survive. Supporters of this type of treatment claim that it increases the efficiency of all cells in the body and increases energy, promotes the production of antioxidants, and enhances the immune system. Our bodies are composed of four-fifths water of which eight-ninths is oxygen. Oxygen is the most abundant and essential element; of all the elements the body needs, only oxygen is in such constant demand that its absence brings death in minutes. To become a growth medium for parasites, one has to have allowed the oxygen saturation of the body's fluids to drop well below the optimum level for healthy cell growth and function. The simplest substances available for restoring one's oxygen balance to a healthy range are ozone (O3), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is much easier to obtain and use. These are both highly toxic when concentrated, but when diluted to therapeutic levels they are not only non-toxic but uniquely beneficial. When the body is toxic, waste products exceed the cleansing capacity of the body and the blood ends up having to stash them wherever possible. These toxins literally take up so much room in the blood cells that the cells can't take on enough oxygen when they pass through the lungs. Hydrogen peroxide is the only germicidal agent composed only of water and oxygen. Oxygen can be taken internally, in the form of hydrogen peroxide, which is merely water with one additional atom of oxygen attached to the molecule. Water is H2O hydrogen peroxide is H2O2. Hydrogen peroxide exists in rain and snow. It is also manufactured in the photosynthesis process. When we eat raw food, we get it into our system. It came from the ozone layer. When free oxygen splits into single atoms, the new atom combines with a molecule of O2 (diatomic oxygen) and becomes O3 (ozone), and O3, when it comes in contact with water, gives up its extra atom of oxygen, which is not bonded very tightly, and connects up with water to give you H2O2. By just shaking a bottle of water vigorously for a while, you can add enough extra oxygen into it to form detectable amounts of H2O2 improving its purity, flavor, and vitality.

  • No one uses 1% concentration for internal purposes either. So 3% is way beyond that.
  • In the alternative health field, the maximum is actually 0.5% concentration. Actually and optimum H2O2 concentration was first determined in 1950s by Dr. Reginald Holman by implanting Walker 256 adenocarcinoma tumours. The drinking water for the rat used H2O2 optimum concentration needed to kill the tumors were about 0.45 percent.
  • A few studies claim that tumours completely disappeared in 15 to 60 days in rats. Of course a better way is to add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in the glass of 0.45% concentration of H2O2. This can be extended to treatment of almost any kinds of conditions, from virus, bacteria, microbial infections, pneumonia, tuberculosis, flu, etc. My own experience of using just baking soda (also increases the body's oxygen) and ascorbate vitamin C about three weeks for a small tumor to go into remission. A more effective I think in the future of peroxide therapy is to add baking soda to the 0.45% concentration to normal drinking water since baking soda is alkaline and increases oxygen, while the peroxide furthers this natural increase.
  • The biggest producers of oxygen are the plankton in the ocean. More oxygen is being put into the body when taking hydrogen peroxide. When oxygen is taken internally, it is capable of eliminating microorganisms in the body to such an extent that arthritis, cancer, ulcers, hives and a total of 35 other conditions can be wiped out or controlled. Raw, uncooked vegetables and fruits contain natural hydrogen peroxide. Cooking drives off the extra oxygen. Mothers' milk contains a high amount of H2O2, especially colostrums, the first milk created after birth, which activates the newborns immune system. H2O2 is the first line of defense, and the key to many metabolic processes. Under conditions of optimum health, H2O2 is produced by the body's immune system in whatever amounts are needed to quickly destroy any invading hostile organisms. It is made by combining water in the body with the free oxygen, which is supposed to be constantly available. When the body is oxygen starved, it can't produce enough H2O2 to wipe out invading pathogens, which can then get the upper hand and cause visible disease. The effectiveness of penicillin against microorganisms is due to the formation of bactericidal amounts of H2O2, when glucose is oxidized by O2 in the presence of penicillium notatin.
  • Much of the effectiveness of interferon's effectiveness is due to the fact that it stimulates production of H2O2 and other oxygen intermediates, which are a key factor in reactivating the immune system. The basic difference between normal cells and cancer cells are that the normal cell requires oxygen to combine with glucose, while cancer cells break down glucose without oxygen, yielding only 1/15 the energy per glucose molecule that a normal cell produces. This is why cancer cells have such a huge appetite for sugar, and also why people who consume excessive quantities of sugar tend to get cancer more often. The anaerobic breakdown of glucose by cancer cells forms large amounts of lactic acid as a waste product, the same substance formed by fermentation of lactose as in spoiled milk. The liver converts some of these bacteria into glucose, in an attempt to salvage a food source from toxic waste. In doing this, the liver only uses 1/5 the energy per glucose molecule that a normal cell can then derive from it, but that's three times the energy a cancer cell will get from it. The more the weak, deranged cancer cells multiply, the more energy is lost to normal cells. Low levels of both oxygen and energy tend to occur where cancer is present, and visa versa. This wasteful metabolism becomes self-sustaining and dominant unless the oxygen is increased and the sugar is eliminated. Cancer growths contract and disappear when the oxygen saturation is sufficiently increased in the fluids surrounding them, since they are anaerobic cells. Hyper-oxygenating them with ozone destroys AIDS, herpes, hepatitis, Epstein barr, cytomegalovirus, and other lipid-envelope virus. Cancer tumors though, have a number of protections, like the fibrous coating around them. They produce what is known as peroxidase, which will take hydrogen peroxide that is generated by the leucocytes and it will turn it back to oxygen and water. These cells also have a negative electrical charge similar to healthy cells, so the immune cells don't as easily recognize them as abnormal, and pass over them.


Medical Disclaimer

This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always consult a medical professional regarding any medical problems and before undertaking any treatment or dietary changes.