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Besides The [[Avocado]] fruit, Avocado leaves have many health benefits also. They contain many substances that useful for our body, such as flavonol, quercetin, glycoside, polyphenol, estragole, alpha and beta pinene, cineol,  limonene, serotonin, flavonoids, ..<br>See also : [[Avocado]]
==Special Precautions of Avocado Leaves==
==Special Precautions of Avocado Leaves==
It is important to note that there are some questions about the toxicity of avocado leaves. Some research suggests that the leaves are taken from some of the avocado plant species potentially produce toxic effects. For example, some experts claim that the Guatemalan avocado plant produces leaves that can be toxic, but the Mexican avocado crops are safe. Even in some cases in Guatemala avocado, many experts claim that the toxicity is only possible if the leaves are consumed in large quantities.
It is important to note that there are some questions about the toxicity of avocado leaves. Some research suggests that the leaves are taken from some of the avocado plant species potentially produce toxic effects. For example, some experts claim that the Guatemalan avocado plant produces leaves that can be toxic, but the Mexican avocado crops are safe. Even in some cases in Guatemala avocado, many experts claim that the toxicity is only possible if the leaves are consumed in large quantities.

Latest revision as of 11:30, 19 March 2017

Besides The Avocado fruit, Avocado leaves have many health benefits also. They contain many substances that useful for our body, such as flavonol, quercetin, glycoside, polyphenol, estragole, alpha and beta pinene, cineol, limonene, serotonin, flavonoids, ..
See also : Avocado

Special Precautions of Avocado Leaves

It is important to note that there are some questions about the toxicity of avocado leaves. Some research suggests that the leaves are taken from some of the avocado plant species potentially produce toxic effects. For example, some experts claim that the Guatemalan avocado plant produces leaves that can be toxic, but the Mexican avocado crops are safe. Even in some cases in Guatemala avocado, many experts claim that the toxicity is only possible if the leaves are consumed in large quantities.

Health Benefits and uses of Avocado Leaves

Some believe Avocado leaves have healing attributes; using the leaves for the treatment of aliments such as arthritis, cold and flu symptoms, menstruation irregularity, and upset stomach. Dried or fresh leaves can be crushed and steeped in hot water to make a tea or tonic to treat kidney disease, bacterial infections, inflammatory diseases and thrush. The tea can also be rubbed on skin directly to sooth and treat the symptoms of acne, eczema and dry skin.

  • Kidney Disease : cleansing the kidneys from impurities and toxins so they can function better when it comes to flushing waste out of the body. The alkaloid, flavonoids, and saponins are substances that can break down the kidney stone and improve the kidney function.
  • If you are suffering from a bacterial infection the tea can help rid it from your body. The leaves have a medicinal property in it that has the ability to kill the bacteria of Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Proteus, Escherichea and Bacillus.
  • pain relieving : for ease toothaches, headaches, lower back pains and menstrual cramps. Some even find sipping on a cup of this goodness effective at relieving migraine headaches also.
  • help relieve are hypertension, dry skin, inflammatory diseases and thrush.
  • Protect the body from degenerative disease : The flavonol compound in avocado leaves has the mechanism to protect the body from degenerative diseases, such as osteoarthritis. This brings the avocado leaves benefits to prevent the early aging as well.
  • diuretic : Avocado leaves contain quercetin which acts as diuretic agent. It helps you to urinate well to remove out your waste product of metabolism.
  • Stabilize the blood pressure : The limonene contained in avocado leaves can act as the natural remedy to stabilize the blood pressure and prevent from hypertension condition.
  • Reduce asthma attack : Avocado leaves contain pinene which acts to reduce asthma attack through its several mechanism. This substance has a bronchodilator effect, reduce the inflammation, and increase the airflow to the lung. These mechanisms bring the this leaves to treat asthma attack well.
  • treating diabetes : The avocado leaves for treating diabetes come from its glycoside content. Glycoside can replace the sugar that the body needs and give the full feeling so it will stop you from consuming the excessive calories of your ordinary sugar. It’s very useful to treat diabetes.
  • Reduce the cholesterol level : This holy leaves for reducing the cholesterol level have been proven through its limonene compound. Limonene can reduce the triglyceride and total cholesterol effectively.
  • treat arthritis : Quercetin compound in avocado leaves can act as the anti-inflammatory agent so it can help to treat arthritis disease.
  • detoxify : The flavonol compound in avocado leaves can purify the blood from any toxic substances and remove them via urine. This is one of the amazing health benefits of avocado leaves as the detoxifying agent.
  • to treat diarrhea : The limonene contained in avocado leaves has also the mechanism to keep the digestive balance and improve the intestinal function. It will help to treat diarrhea and any other digestive problem.
  • Increasing milk production during lactation : Avocado leaves can be useful for women during lactation. The estragole substance in avocado leaves can increase the breast milk production in women. (Read: Health benefits of avocado during pregnancy)
  • Decrease the anxiety and prevent insomnia : It also can decrease the anxiety and prevent insomnia through its serotonin content. Serotonin plays the important role in regulating the mood, control the appetite, and sleep. In addition, the limonene content brings also the health benefits to reduce anxiety well.
  • Aid in weight loss : One of the wonderful benefits is helping in weight loss. Avocado leaves contain limonene which acts as the appetite suppressant so you can control your intake and prevent weight gain.