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/* The benefits of Conium are */
*Do not take homeopathic remedies without first consulting a homeopathic practitioner. Do not take several remedies at the same time as that is often discouraged in homeopathic treatment. Take the recommended dose only and immediately report any changes in condition to your doctor.
==The benefits of Conium are==
The homeopathic remedy conium is most appropriate for individuals who have dull minds owing to some ailment and this may make them feel tired or have a sensation that they are simply non-existent. Such people usually have an inclination to be fixed to specific conceptions and may also frequently have a feeling of being money-oriented at some or other phase in their life. However, it is likely that at a later point in their life such individuals may even lose all interest in their ownerships. Nevertheless, simultaneously, such people may also have a dislike for the company of other people. Administration of conium helps to ease all the symptoms mentioned above.
Individuals who are said to be of the conium type are generally greedy as well as money-oriented when they are young. However, as they age they are averse towards material objects and wealth and may even dislike the company of others. When such people suffer from any ailment they are remorse and suffer from depression. At the same time, it seems that their intellectual power comes to a standstill, so much so that they may even seem to be in a state of unconsciousness. Such individuals may be very inactive when ill and extremely sensitive to bright light and sound. In homeopathy, this medicine is generally used to treat glandular enlargements, for instance, cancerous tumors, particularly in the breast. In addition, conium is also prescribed by homeopaths to cure nervous disorders accompanied by slowly progressing paralysis in the muscles that starts in the feet and moves upwards. People who suffer from this type of paralysis generally also become very sensitive to bright light.
Apart from the conditions mentioned here, this homeopathic medicine is also administered to people enduring symptoms, such as dizziness that deteriorates when the individual is lying down or turning his/ her head. It is also recommended for women who endure tender breasts prior to as well as during their menstrual cycles and also when they are pregnant. Conium is prescribed for men suffering from enlarged prostate as well as those who have premature ejaculation.
As aforementioned, the homeopathic medicine conium is useful in effectively treating several diverse health conditions. Below is a brief discussion on the condition specific uses of conium.
*Vertigo : It may be noted that in homeopathy, conium is the main therapy for vertigo. This condition worsens when the individual turns his/ her head from on side to another, is looking around or turning in the bed while lying down. Vertigo is very common among elderly people and those suffering from this condition have a sensation as if their bed is floating. On many occasions, vertigo deteriorates when the individual is inebriated. People who experience vertigo soon after getting up from their bed, particularly in the early morning, may suddenly fall on the ground. In addition, conium is also beneficial to treat incapacity and weakness among old people. People suffering from vertigo usually do not have the tendency to take up any business or study. In fact, such type of people virtually does not take interest in anything. In addition, they suffer from poor memory and are not in a position to carry on with any mental effort. When they are excited for any reason, people suffering from vertigo actually become susceptible to depression. They may also start perspiring all through the day, even at night, the moment they sleep or even when they keep their eyes closed. The homeopathic remedy conium is effective in treating all the conditions as well as provides relief from the bothersome symptoms of the condition.
*Headache : The homeopathic remedy prepared from the hemlock plant, conium is also effective in easing headaches that may be a result of a blow or falling down; too much sexual activities; stimulation or over exertion of oneself as well as held back menses. People suffering from such type of headache often have a feeling that there are plenty of alien substances in the head and this is accompanied by a numbness or lack of sensation of the brain. Often this type of headache causes a tearing pain compelling the sufferers to lie down. Administration of conium is useful in alleviating these symptoms as well as providing relief from the pain.
*Swollen breasts : Occasionally, some women may suffer from a condition wherein their breasts become enlarged as well as hard. In such instances, they endure pain when the breasts are touched. As a homeopathic remedy, conium works effectively to alleviate this condition as well as the bothersome feelings that are associated with it. It has been observed that this condition is quite common when women have their menstrual cycles.
*Nervous disorders : People who suffer from nervous disorders often feel cold and weak in their legs. In addition, they may also feel giddy and be sensitive to light. At the same time, such people may experience weakness all over their body. Turning to the homeopathic remedy conium helps to cure these symptoms effectively.
==Profile Type==
The homeopathic remedy conium is most appropriate for individuals who have dull minds owing to some ailment and this may make them feel tired or have a sensation that they are simply non-existent. Such people usually have an inclination to be fixed to specific conceptions and may also frequently have a feeling of being money-oriented at some or other phase in their life. However, it is likely that at a later point in their life such individuals may even lose all interest in their ownerships. Nevertheless, simultaneously, such people may also have a dislike for the company of other people. Administration of conium helps to ease all the symptoms mentioned above.
Individuals who are said to be of the conium type are generally greedy as well as money-oriented when they are young. However, as they age they are averse towards material objects and wealth and may even dislike the company of others. When such people suffer from any ailment they are remorse and suffer from depression. At the same time, it seems that their intellectual power comes to a standstill, so much so that they may even seem to be in a state of unconsciousness. Such individuals may be very inactive when ill and extremely sensitive to bright light and sound. In homeopathy, this medicine is generally used to treat glandular enlargements, for instance, cancerous tumors, particularly in the breast. In addition, conium is also prescribed by homeopaths to cure nervous disorders accompanied by slowly progressing paralysis in the muscles that starts in the feet and moves upwards. People who suffer from this type of paralysis generally also become very sensitive to bright light.
Apart from the conditions mentioned here, this homeopathic medicine is also administered to people enduring symptoms, such as dizziness that deteriorates when the individual is lying down or turning his/ her head. It is also recommended for women who endure tender breasts prior to as well as during their menstrual cycles and also when they are pregnant. Conium is prescribed for men suffering from enlarged prostate as well as those who have premature ejaculation.
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