

134 bytes added, 15:47, 15 February 2014
/* Home remedies */
* [[Rhodiola Rosea]] gives you more available energy during the day, while simultaneously facilitating deep, REM-level sleep.
*Can be related to Magnesium deficiency.
* [[Hops ]] (Humulus lupulus) have potential use or benefits on anxiety and insomnia.
* Eat foods high in sleep-inducing tryptophan before bedtime, such as lean turkey. Certain fish and sea creatures contain tryptophan, including shrimp, cod, tuna, and halibut. But since not all seafood choices are healthy for us (some are high in contaminants) or for the planet (many are overfished, or methods for catching them kill other species), stick to catches like Pacific cod from Alaska or pole-caught Albacore tuna from the U.S. or British Columbia. If keeping track of the latest safe seafood guidelines is too complicated, you can get your tryptophan fix from other things. You’ve probably heard that warm milk can help you sleep, since milk contains tryptophan. But the key is to combine carbs with a protein containing tryptophan to help your body better utilize the sleep inducer. Try pairing a cup of whole grain cereal with organic milk before bedtime.
* Eat foods high in magnesium, such as halibut, almonds, cashews, and spinach.
* [[Valerian]] root. Used for thousands of years as a mild sedative, this herb can help you fall asleep quickly and improve the quality of your sleep, according to more than 200 studies. For most people, it seems to take two weeks for the body to become vulnerable to its effect. Take 800 to 900 milligrams (mg) with a little food about an hour before bedtime.
* Consume no more than 1 serving of alcohol per day. Excess alcohol can disrupt sleep.
* [[Cherries ]] : Since all cherries are naturally high in melatonin, a compound that makes us sleepy, you can try eating a cup as a snack before it’s time for shut-eye.
* Grapes are the only fruit-berries that contain Melatonin
* Lemon Balm : This lemon-scented member of the mint family has been a sleep-inducing superstar for ages.
*[[Ashwagandha]] is often overlooked as a natural sleep aid. Adaptogens are herbs that help increase the body's resistance to stress and bring the body back into balance, which is critical to restoring healthy sleep patterns
* auriculotherapy[[Auriculotherapy]], also called auricular therapy (applying pressure on various points on your outer ear) is helpfull to fight [[stress]], [[pain]], [[allergies]], [[High Blood Pressure]], insomnia, excess weight, [[diabetes]], [[Drug Abuse]],...
* [[Melissa]] has been used for centuries to treat people for insomnia.
* Having a massage with [[lavender]] essential oil may improve the quality of your sleep, helping you to awaken well rested the next day.
* [[Chamomile]] is a Great Sleep Remedy
* [[kava]] not only reduces the amount of time it takes to drift off to dreamland, but it also promotes sounder, deeper sleep.
* Oats are a good natural source of melatonin, which is often taken as a sleep aid due to its ability to help regulate the body's internal clock. On top of this, they are also a rich source of tryptophan, which helps the brain to produce more melatonin as well as the relaxing chemical serotonin.
* Motherwort : the plant contains a mild vasodilator called leonurine which can help relax the smooth muscles in the body, such as the uterus and the muscles supporting the lungs.
* Melatonin. Choose “slow-release” formulations and take 300 mcg at least four hours before bedtime (before your pineal gland starts producing its own supply as darkness falls).
* [[Catnip]] is considered as a mild tranquilizer and sedative. For those with migraine, taking catnip makes them rest well.
* [[Lemon Balm]] : Melissa officinalis is the scientific name of lemon balm. In the Middle Ages, it has been used to calm nerves, to reduce anxiety and to induce sleepiness. There have been several studies conducted nowadays showing that lemon balm is indeed beneficial for those suffering from insomnia. The plant is also being used to calm the nerves, especially for those who are suffering from mild anxiety.
* [[5-HTP. ]] : The full scientific name is 5-hydroxy-tryptophan -- and yes, it is a form of tryptophan which transforms into serotonin in your brain to provide genuine support for sleeping. (You can also now find tryptophan supplements.) One caution: If you're taking an SSRI anti-depressant, such as Celexa, Lexapro, Paxil or Zoloft, you're already getting enough serotonin, so don't take this supplement. Otherwise, take 100 to 150 mg about an hour before you head to bed.
*[[Magnesium]]. This all-purpose mineral can really help you nod off. Chronic insomnia and magnesium deficiency go hand in hand, especially in modern times when more people are eating processed foods that have been stripped of important nutrients. Magnesium is responsible for an astonishing 300 or more essential metabolic reactions in the body and is key to a healthy nervous system. Some of its most important tasks are helping manufacture serotonin, the mood-calming neurotransmitter that converts to sleep-inducing melatonin at bedtime, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main energy molecule used by your cells. It's the spark that lights your fire and the smooth mover that calms you down.
*[[Calcium]]. If you take a calcium supplement, take it at night in combination with your magnesium for best results. Western medicine and popular media have emphasized the need to get adequate calcium for healthy bones without focusing to the same degree on the need to take magnesium and vitamin D, the “sunshine hormone,” with calcium. All three are needed to maintain health. When it comes to good sleep, calcium relaxes your muscles and helps your brain in manufacture the calming amino acid tryptophan, which is converted to serotonin and melatonin. That's another reason why having a warm milky drink full of calcium helps you sleep well.
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