

749 bytes added, 14:52, 6 October 2013
/* Special Precautions of Bananas */
==Special Precautions of Bananas==
* bananas have a high [[Glycemic Index (GI)]]. Foods with a high GI can spike your blood sugar and cause insulin surges. That in turn can lead to increased fat production.
* An allergic reaction to bananas may include respiratory complaints. Since your mouth is the first place to make contact with the banana, you may experience a swollen tongue, lips, or throat, a raw roof of your mouth, or an itchy mouth and throat. These symptoms may occur immediately or within an hour of eating a banana and can also include a rash or hives. The most threatening reaction is anaphylactic shock, in which breathing becomes extremely difficult and blood pressure drops.
* An allergic reaction to bananas may result in stomach pain, or vomiting. The allergy may stem from a latex allergy since the allergens in a banana are similar to those in latex rubber. A banana allergy may also be a reaction to the fruit itself or to pollen.
==The benefits of Bananas are==