

60 bytes added, 17:45, 17 November 2013
Other Names: Barley Beta-Glucan, Barley Bran, Barley Grass, Barley Malt, Bêta-Glucane d’Orge, Cebada, Cereal Fiber, Dietary Fiber, Fibre Alimentaire, Fibre de Céréale, Green Barley, Green Barley Grass, Herbe d’Orge, Herbe d’Orge Verte, Hordeum, Hordeum Distichon, Hordeum distychum, Hordeum vulgare, Mai Ya, Malt d’Orge, Malt d’Orge Germée, Orge, Orge Germée, Orge Perlé, Orge Mondé, Pearl Barley, Pot Barley, Scotch Barley, Son d’Orge, Sprouted Barley, Sprouted Barley Malt.<br>Barley grass is a plant. The grain and the leaf of the barley plant (a type of whole grain). Sometimes referred to as "barley leaf" or "barley green," barley grass contains chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.What Is Barley Grass Juice? In many cases, barley grass ) is consumed in juice form. Like wheatgrass juice, barley grass juice is a popular juicing ingredient said used to promote detox and offer a wide range of health benefitsmake medicine.
==Special Precautions of Barley==
* Barley is LIKELY SAFE for most people. Barley flour can sometimes cause asthma.
==The benefits of Barley Grass are==
* High cholesterol. Research shows that taking barley reduces total cholesterol and “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.
* Barley grass is the leaf of the barley plant (a type of whole grain). Sometimes referred to as "barley leaf" or "barley green," barley grass contains chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In many cases, barley grass is consumed in juice form. Like wheatgrass juice, barley grass juice is a popular juicing ingredient said to promote detox and offer a wide range of health benefits.
*Cancer : Studies show that barley grass extracts might possibly protect human cells against cancer-causing elements, reports. Research indicates that the chlorophyll content in barley grass interacts with carcinogens and causes them to become inactive. Aside from this, barley grass also has antioxidant properties. Superoxide dismutase, a chemical in barley grass and green barley juice, blocks the harmful effects of free radicals and radiation on your body, thereby reducing the risk of cancer; furthermore, clinical studies involving animals showed that individuals who had wheat grass in their diet had lower incidences of cancer. Though its mechanism is unknown, alpha-tocopherol succinate seems to inhibit several types of cancer, including leukemia, brain tumors, and prostate cancer.
* barley grass helps cure skin diseases and ulcers by promoting the growth of new cells. It is not known exactly how this happens, although barley grass is high in chlorophyll, an antibacterial green pigment.
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