

402 bytes added, 09:05, 24 November 2013
/* Special Precautions of Sarsaparilla */
* Do not confuse with [[Indian Sarsaparilla]]
* It might cause stomach irritation, especially when used in larger amounts.
* Allergic Reactions : Some people may have an allergic reaction to sarsaparilla root preparations, such as hives or skin rash. Inhalation of sarsaparilla root may trigger an asthma attack, according to a paper published in the June 1996 issue of Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. If you experience chest pain, swelling of the tongue or shortness of breath, seek immediate medical attention.
*Asthma: Exposure to sarsaparilla root dust can cause runny nose and the symptoms of asthma.
*Kidney disease: Sarsaparilla might make kidney disease worse. Avoid sarsaparilla if you have kidney problems.
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