

425 bytes added, 17:26, 10 January 2014
/* The benefits of Ghee are */
*Health benefits
**Easily digestible - The process of cooking off milk solids from butter burns off its lactose and cholesterol (says Holistic Chef Shani Cranston of hOMe Grown Living Foods). This makes it much easier to digest than butter or vegetable oils.
**Cholesterol : Research shows that ghee safely increases blood lipids without raising LDL cholesterol. This means that it does more than simply lower total cholesterol. It raises the good kind (HDL) and lowers the bad (LDL).
**Anti-inflammatory - According to the Sushruta Samhita, a text of the ancient Indian healing system of Ayurveda, ghee is the ultimate anti-inflammatory food.
**Heart Disease : Ghee also reduces inflammation and prevents heart disease. One study found that men who consumed two tablespoons of ghee a day lowered their risk for heart disease by 23 percent.
**Whole body healing - Ayurvedic practitioners use the golden elixir for everything from rejuvenating skin to aiding digestion to balancing hormones.
**Flexibility - Dr. Vasant Lad, founder and director of the Ayurvedic Institute, explains ghee's popularity among yogis by stating that it lubricates connective tissues and makes the body more flexible.
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