

1 byte added, 08:25, 17 January 2014
/* Home remedies */
* Some research studies were made which showed evidences that the [[Omega-3 fatty acids]] have effects on the substances that are involved in the inflammatory processes that will result to asthma attacks.
* [[French Pine Bark]] is used for treating asthma.
* [[Cypress]] : Coming from the distilled leaves of an evergreen tree, the Cypress essential oil mainly helps in regulating blood flow. It harmonizes the blood and helps in dysmenorrhoea and menorrhagia. In addition, it is also oil that detoxifies, decongests and also supports the circulatory system. An anti-infective, antimicrobial and anti-bacterial oil, it is useful for rheumatic pains, lymphatic congestion, asthma, improving energy, and removing tension. It also helps ease one’s breathing and suppress cough.
* [[Lavender]] : conditions that could benefit from lavender oil are allergy, asthma, headache, whooping cough, dermatitis, hypertension and many more.
* [[Perilla]] is used for treating asthma.
*Water. For many of the people diagnosed with asthma, dehydration is the true cause of their asthma symptoms. In fact, according to water expert Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, the set of symptoms commonly labeled as asthma is actually just the body crying out for more water. So unless you have aquagenic urticaria, also known as water allergy, it is definitely worth your while to drink more clean, fluoride-free water every day to avoid developing asthma symptoms.
*[[Ginger]]. Loaded with anti-inflammatory nutrients that pervade the entire body; ginger root is another powerful anti-asthma herb that some people say works better than antihistamine drugs like Benadryl at clearing up airways and stopping inflammation. And the best part about ginger root is that it does not cause harmful side effects, which means you can safely add it to everyday foods and beverages for good health.
*[[Turmeric. ]] : The inflammation responsible for swelling the lungs and constricting breathing passages during an asthma attack is no match for turmeric, the active ingredient of which is proving to be one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory nutrients in existence. Because it helps dilate blood vessels and relax muscles, turmeric is a powerful weapon in keeping asthma symptoms at bay.
*[[Elderberries]] : One of the richest plant-based sources of quercetin, a powerful antioxidant compound, elderberry is an incredible immune-boosting fruit that helps fight colds, flu, and respiratory illnesses like asthma. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), quercetin is particularly effective at blocking the release of histamines and other allergic and inflammatory chemicals in the body, including those associated with asthma.
*[[Apples]]: Similarly high in quercetin; apples have been shown to provide powerful protection against asthma. A study out of Europe found that pregnant women who ate at least four apples per week were 53 percent less likely to bear a child with doctor-confirmed asthma. And the same study that linked banana consumption to lowered asthma symptoms also found that children who drink apple juice are about 50 percent less likely to develop asthma symptoms.