
Malabar Nut

382 bytes added, 16:42, 3 February 2016
/* Benefits and uses of Justicia Adhatoda are */
Clinical studies reveals no side effect with this drug, anyway it is better, not use in first trimester of pregnancy, as very large dose may induce abortion.
==Benefits and uses of Justicia Adhatoda are==
This shrub has a number of traditional medicinal uses in Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicine. The leaves of the plant contain vasicine, an alkaloid with medicinal qualities. This alkaloid, along with other compounds found in the plant, makes it useful in treating a variety of medical conditions. In areas where the plant grows wild, local populations commonly use the shrub to treat coughs, colds, and asthma. The leaves also treat skin infections, fever, and inflammation.
*Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, kapha
*Axpectorant - Expels sputum (used in bronchial, asthmatic and pulmonary affections)
*Leaf juice is the best medicine for elevating decreased count of platelet during viral fevers like dengue. (it can be taken along with the allopathic medicine without fear)
*Leaf juice with jaggery is good for reducing excessive menstrual flow.
== References ==
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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