
Tibetan Garlic Cure

376 bytes added, 07:55, 15 February 2014
/* Preparation: */
This recipe of an ancient pharmacist was found in 1972 in a Buddhist monastery in the mountains of Tibet.
In a jar of glass place *clean and rinse 350 grams (12 ounces) of crushed garlic and over (organic one)*mash it pour around 220-250 grams well in a mortar with pestle made of 95-96 ° alcoholwood or clay, rum or anything strong. The jar is tightly closed if you don't have mortar, chop it in small pieces,*put the mixture of mashed garlic and placed 3 ounces of alcohol (90%) in refrigerator one tightly closed container (jar) WARNING: The alcohol must not contain other substances (benzalkonium chloride or methanol).*keep it like that for 10 days. In in cool place,*after 10 days, strain the 11-day filter everything with tincture of garlic trough a very fine strainer or gauze. The resulted liquid is poured into the same jar sloth and put another 2 days in refrigerator. After this time squeeze the remedy is ready for treatmentrest.During the preservation of In two or three days, after you prepared the Tibetan garlic and alcohol mixture for macerationcure, for 10 daysyou can begin the therapy, it taking that tincture with 1/2 cup of milk that is recomended at room temperature, according to mix it dailythe scheme that is in following text. In other words  TIBETAN GARLIC CURE SCHEME: <br>after each meal you have during the day, blend it drink the milk in which u dropped the jar so that the crushed amount of garlic homogenise better with cure drops by following the alcoholscheme given in the next table.After reaching the amount of 25 drops per meal, continue with that amount of drops per meal until you finish whole tincture. You can use that cure again after 2-5 years!CHEERS!   
WARNING: The alcohol must not contain other substances (benzalkonium chloride or methanol).
The drops may be taken with a little milk or water before starting to eat, as follows:
==Special Precautions of Tibetan Garlic Cure==
==Benefits and uses of Tibetan Garlic Cure are==
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