

742 bytes added, 06:22, 21 March 2014
/* Home remedies */
* [[Shatavari]] is an Indian herb used in aryuvedic medicine for dyspepsia, and which has been shown to work almost as well as domperidone.
* [[Triphala]] is believed to increase gastric emptying and possesses many antimicrobial properties.
* Biofeedback is very likely a good way for you to begin the healing process if the condition is due to a nerve issue, whether that be autonomic dysfunction of the vagus nerve or autonimic neuropathy, or even just stress. Yoga, qigong, and t'ai ch'i are also extremely good for helping this.
*There are also food stuffs that are said to be good dealing with Gastroparesis, for instance, chicken noodle soup. You can survive on these before you are ready to eat solid food stuffs again.
*Diet change : In some cases, you may have to switch to liquid diets to deal with the condition. Ensure that you avoid fatty foods as much possible. These kinds of foods are part of the main causes of Gastroparesis, follow a GERD diet, as this will help your stomach emptying time by decreasing the amount of the hormone produced by your system which tells your stomach not to pump. (Believe it or not, a hormone actually paralizes your stomach for a little while after eating fat. If you have GP you DON'T want this happening to you.) Also, increase the amount of protein you eat, in the form of lean proteins: this helps prevent heartburn and GERD.
*Food rich in fibers may also not be good for people with this condition. Ensure that you eat a well balanced diet of foods that are easily digested.
*You should also avoid eating very large portions of foods that will make your stomach feel too full. Your doctor or dietitian may prescribe six small meals a day instead of three large ones. If less food enters the stomach each time you eat, it may not become overly full. In more severe cases, a liquid or pureed diet may be prescribed.
Bureaucrat, administrator