
Aesculus Hippocastanum

712 bytes added, 07:41, 2 November 2014
/* Benefits and uses of Aesculus Hippocastanum are */
==Benefits and uses of Aesculus Hippocastanum are==
Aesculius hippo is a homoeopathic remedy known for its remarkable results on the anus and rectum. * chronic piles leading to a prolapsed rectum. The sensation of pain is that of the rectum being filled with sticks. There may be an intense burning pain in the anus which radiates up to the back. I feel Aesculius is also suitable for women who suffer from prolapsed rectum during the menopausal or post-menopausal period. There may be a sensation of swelling in the anus and passing stools is very painful and difficult. The most prominent feature that calls for a prescription of aesculius is a constant backache which may incapacitate the person so much that he or she is unable to perform the daily chores.* hemorrhoids and varicose veins
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