

7 bytes added, 05:38, 10 August 2014
/* The benefits of Codonopsis are */
Often called “the poor man’s ginseng” codonopsis is both a culinary delicacy and a medicinal herb. Although the roots take 3 years to mature, it is well worth the wait. Rich in saponins, it has the ability to penetrate and cleanse tissue. It reduces blood pressure, increases hemoglobin, and immunity. It is used in TCM as a mild substitute for [[Panax Ginseng]].
* It is a spleen qi tonic and is used for poor appetite, gastric irritation, and/or ulcers, fatigue, and weak limbs.
* It is also a lung qi tonic and can be used for shortness of breath with a dry cough, asthma and frequent respiratory tract infections (use it with [[Prince SengGinseng]]).
* It increases hemoglobin levels and the number of red blood cells as well. .<br>
* Dang Shen is commonly used to strengthen the immune system (cancer, HIV, mononucleosis)
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