

28 bytes added, 11:02, 2 November 2018
File:Impatiens capensis.jpg
Other Names: Alegria del Hogar, Balsam-Weed, Balsamina foemina, Balsamine du Cap, Balsamine des Jardins, Balsamine Orangée, Feng Xian Hua, Garden Balsam, Herbal Impatiens Balsamihal, Impatiens, Impatiens balsamina, Impatiens biflora, Impatiens capensis, Impatiens giorgii, Impatiens pallida, Impatiente, Impatiente Biflore, Impatiente du Cap, Impatiente Orangée, Jewel Balsam Weed, Jewel Weed, Quick-In-The-Hand, Silverweed, Slipper Weed, Speckled Jewels, Spotted Touch-Me-Not, Tou Gu Cao, Touch-Me-Not, Wild Balsam, Wild Celandine, Wild Lady's Slipper.<br>Jewelweed is a plant. The parts that grow above the ground are used to make medicine. Be careful not to confuse jewelweed with potentilla, since both are known as silverweed.
==Special Precautions of Jewelweed==
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