

77 bytes added, 09:00, 25 October 2014
/* The benefits of Thyme are */
* [[Respiratory Diseases]] : as a lung remedy consumed since antiquity it is used extensively to day to prevent and treat respiratory tract infections and bacterial infection pneumonia. Thyme is very powerful in the fight against chest congestion. It produces powerful antiseptic essential oils which are classified as naturally antibiotic and anti-fungal.
* Relieves [[Indigestion]] : Thyme tea is often recommended by herbal healers to promote good digestion and relieve gas and bloating. According to "Aromatherapy for Professionals," by herbalists Shirley and Len Price, the volatile oils in thyme give it carminative --or gas-reducing-- properties, while its phenols allow it to work as an antispasmodic, helping to relieve intestinal cramping
* Provides Antiviral Protection against Herpes, Newcastle and other viruses.
*Provides Essential Minerals : When you think of a food rich in iron, thyme is probably not the first thing to come to mind. But 2 tsps. of dried thyme --about the amount used in a cup of thyme tea-- delivers 3.56mg, or 19.8 percent of the recommended daily value of iron, causing The World's Healthiest Foods to list it as an excellent source. Thyme tea is also an excellent source of vitamin K, vital to normal blood clotting, with 2 tsps. supplying 48.01mcg, or 60 percent of the DV. Thyme tea is also a very good source of manganese, supplying 12 percent of the DV, and calcium, providing 5.4 of the DV in 2 tsp.
* [[Lung Cancer]], [[Oral Cancer]] and [[Ovarian Cancer]] : Oil from the common herb thyme was discovered to kill up to 97% of human lung cancer cells. Recent research has shown that if you mix thyme and olive oil it will enhance the availability of hydroxytyrosol, olive oil’s most potent anti-cancer compound.
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