

2 bytes added, 04:43, 11 October 2014
/* The benefits of garlic are */
* Detox : It helps stimulate the liver into producing important detoxification enzymes that will help filter out toxic residues in the digestive system. The sulfur compounds in garlic - the most well known is Allicin - promote the body's detoxifying activities. Garlic is also a good mercury chelator.(detoxifies the body by Heavy metal removal): see [[chelating agents]]
* Source of [[Inulin]]
==how to use garlic : ==
Modern research confirms what ancient healers and herbalists intuitively knew: that garlic is a potent weapon in the battle against disease. A 1999 study by S. Ankri and D. Mirelman shows that a compound within garlic called allicin is responsible for garlic’s antimicrobial, antiviral, and antiparasitic activity. It’s also been shown to combat drug-resistant strains of E. coli and could potentially battle some superbugs that are resistant to antibiotics.
Bureaucrat, administrator