
Sinus Infections

1 byte removed, 15:30, 25 October 2014
/* Home remedies */
== Home remedies ==
* [[Garlic]] and [[OnionsOnion]] have medicinal properties to overcome sinusitis problems. You can take fresh cloves of garlic smash them and mix it to a glass of water and drink it. Take raw onion and cut it into two pieces. Now inhale the aroma of it. It will help heal infections inside your sinuses and nasal passage.
* Breathe in Moist Air : To ease your nasal passages from sinus pain and congestion, it is best to breathe and revel in moist and warm air.
* [[Eucalyptus]], because of its strong antiseptic properties, has been used for sinusitis treatment. One can drink eucalyptus tea or inhale its steam. For inhalation, boil eucalyptus leaves in water and inhale the steam. Inhalation of eucalyptus helps in clearing the nasal passages and also in getting rid of the infection.Or bring some water to boil in a pan and add 4 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 2 drops of peppermint essential oil.
Bureaucrat, administrator