
Ovarian Cyst

6 bytes added, 06:07, 15 December 2014
/* Home remedies */
**A large percentage of modern foods purchased in supermarkets today include an array of synthetic and naturally-occurring estrogens, all of which interfere with proper ovary health. Soy, which is found in large amounts of food today, is one of the most common dietary sources of estrogens. Did you know that ovarian cysts are now seen in girls who haven’t even menstruated? This may be related to the common intake of soy.
**Many common plastics contain xenoestrogens that can seep into food, so it is advisable for women (and even men) to avoid microwaving or storing food in plastic containers or plastic wrap. Better still, why not toss the microwave and store all food in glass. Also, avoid all products that contain aluminum, which is a xenoestrogen. The simplest way to figure out what’s OK and what isn’t is to use products that include only natural (preferably organic) ingredients.
* Homeopathy, a practice that calls upon various herbal tinctures and concoctions, is often used to support ovarian health. Common homeopathic preparations for ovarian cysts include [[arsenicumArsenicum Album]], [[belladonna]], and [[apis]] mellifica. Homeopathy is viewed as a complementary approach that is meant to work with the body’s natural biological mechanisms to support overall health, including the health of the ovaries.
== Warnings ==
Bureaucrat, administrator