
Hemlock Spruce

37 bytes added, 17:36, 29 January 2017
Other Names : Tsuga canadensis, Pinus canadensis, Abeto Rojo, Abies excelsa, Balm of Gilead Fir, Balsam Fir, Baume du Canada, Canada Balsam, Fir Needle Oil, Fir Tree, Norway Pine, Norway Spruce, Picea abies, Picea Aetheroleum, Picea excelsa, Picea Turiones Recentes, Pin Résineux, Pin Rouge, Pin Rouge d’Amérique, Pinus abies, Pinus viminalis, Pruches, Sapin Baumier, Sapinette, Spruce, Spruce Fir, Tsuga.<br>Hemlock spruce is a plant. People use the needles and the oil distilled from the needles, branch tips, or branches of fresh fir shoots for medicine.<br>See also : [[Black Spruce]]
==Special Precautions of Hemlock Spruce==
* Hemlock spruce is very similar sounding to water hemlock and European water hemlock, which are entirely different plants. Be careful not to confuse hemlock spruce with either form of water hemlock, because the water hemlocks are very toxic.
Bureaucrat, administrator