
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)

26 bytes added, 05:14, 6 April 2015
/* Natural Remedies */
* [[Yu Ping Feng Pian]] (JadeDefender™) is an ancient Chinese herbal medicine used for reinforcing the body's immune system. Today it is the most recommended herbal remedy for avoiding viral infections such as cold or flu.
* [[Han Fang Ji]] : Scientists at Texas Biomed found Stephania root contains a tetrandrine : a compound that can stop the virus in its tracks. Ebola travels to blood cells in bubble-like structures. These get the virus across the cell membrane. That’s how it starts multiplying…and infecting other cells. In the Texas study, scientists tested tetrandrine on human white blood cells infected with Ebola. They found it blocked the disease from entering into the cells—and spreading like wildfire. According to lead author, Dr. Robert Davey, “The virus is then trapped in the bubble and cannot escape. It is then detoured to be destroyed. This stops infection.”
* [[Stephania Tetrandra]]
* [[Honeysuckle]] : MIR2911 a molecule in the honeysuckle plant has the world's first "virological penicillin."
* [[Melatonin]] is far more than just a simple aid for sleep -- it's also a potent antioxidant and treatment for sepsis, a condition associated with Ebola virus infections. The supplement also targets other Ebola symptoms such as endothelial disruption, disseminated intravascular coagulation and multiple organ hemorrhage.
Bureaucrat, administrator