

104 bytes added, 06:33, 30 May 2019
/* Health Benefits and uses of Boldo are */
* GI disorders : Boldo and boldine (an alkaloid present in boldo) extracts are known to exhibit choleretic properties (stimulating bile flow). Boldo is an ingredient found in some liver and GI herbal combination products. Boldo in combination with cascara has been used to treat constipation in the elderly.
* Anti-inflammatory/Antipyretic : Boldo has been shown to exert anti-inflammatory and antipyretic (anti-fever) effects. BoldinE is an effective inhibitor or prostaglandin synthesis, part of the inflammatory process. Research reveals no clinical data regarding the use of boldo as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic.
* Antioxidant : Boldo has been shown to possess cytoprotective (cell protective) and antioxidant properties. While there are some animal studies that show liver cell protection, there are no human clinical studies regarding the use of boldo as a cytoprotective.The antioxidants in boldo leaves can help to reduce free radical-induced damage to your cells and DNA. 
== References ==
''Boldo. Review of Natural Products. factsandcomparisons4.0 [online]. 2004. Available from Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Accessed April 16, 2007.''
[[Category:herbal medicine]]
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