
Strophanthus Hispidus

454 bytes added, 06:09, 2 May 2016
Other Names : Estrofanto, Graines de Strophantus, Kombe, Kombe-Strophanthus Seeds, Roupellia grata, Strophanthi Grati Semen, Strophanthus caudatus, Strophanthus divaricatus, Strophanthus gratus, Strophanthi KombeSemen, Strophanthus kombe, Strophanthus sarmentosus, Strophanthus Seeds, Strophanthus wallichii, Strophantus, Yang Guo Nau.<br> Strophanthus is an ornamental, evergreen, climbing shrub, native of Tropical Africa and Asia. It is used as an arrow-poison by natives of Africa.
==Special Precautions of Strophanthus Hispidus==
* Only Homeopathic use !
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