

504 bytes added, 17:52, 15 October 2016
/* Health Benefits and uses of Amyris */
==Special Precautions of Amyris==
==Health Benefits and uses of Amyris==
Amyris is antiseptic, balsamic, decongestant, emollient, muscle relaxant, sedative, and useful to soothe and soften dry, irritated skin. * Used in massage oil or a bath it can ease sore and tired muscles. * Diffused it can calm the mind and is often used in meditative blends.* It is beneficial for helping calm your mind and muscle relaxation, as well as minimizing stress and tension and releasing anxiety. * helps in improving mental clarity and makes you feel at peace.* the essential oil works great in skin regeneration and helps slow down aging. * It has a cooling property that assists in relieving irritability, frustration, and sexual tension. * Amyris oil is a great choice among poets, artists, and musicians as it helps improve creativity and imagination.
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