
Guinea Worm Disease

83 bytes added, 15:02, 23 April 2017
* Vitamin A : Some studies have suggested that vitamin A deficiency may be associated with roundworm infection. Parasites may deplete stores of vitamin A, leaving the infected individual with inadequate levels to fight off infection. Parasites may also impair an individual's ability to absorb fat, thereby interfering with the intestinal absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A. At this time, however, there is not enough scientific evidence to suggest that vitamin A supplementation is effective at preventing or treating malnutrition associated with roundworm infection.
* Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) : Animal studies have suggested that vitamin B6-deficient rats recover from trichinosis significantly slower than rats with normal vitamin B6 status. No studies have investigated whether vitamin B6 is effective at preventing or treating roundworm infection in humans, however.
Guinea worm is a serious medical concern. If you believe you have contracted guinea worm, prompt medical treatment is vital to your wellbeing. If you notice any symptoms of guinea worm infection, seek medical help immediately.[8]
Fever, swelling, and pain near the infected area are usually the first signs of an infection.
You will not have symptoms for about a year after becoming infected. If you traveled to an area where guinea worm is a problem, do not assume symptoms you have months later are not related to guinea worm.
[[Category:infectious disease]]
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