
Guinea Worm Disease

194 bytes added, 15:14, 23 April 2017
/* Natural Treatments */
* [[Turmeric]] (Curcuma longa) : Laboratory studies suggest that curcuminoids, the active components of turmeric, may work together with wormwood to reduce the destructive activity of parasites. Clinical trials with humans are warranted.
* Rangoon creeper (Quisqualis indica). The seeds of this tropical vine are frequently used throughout Southeast Asia for treating infections associated with roundworms, particularly ascariasis and pinworm. Results of clinical studies suggest that this herb may eliminate between 30% and 86% of roundworms in infected individuals.
* [[Elecampane ]] is a traditional remedy for worms; the constituent alantolactone has been used as an anthelmintic in the treatment of roundworm, threadworm, hookworm and whipworm infestation.
* [[Ginger]] is also recommended for fighting parasites such as the roundworm and the blood fluke.
* Other herbs with a substantial history of treating roundworms include pumpkin seeds and husks (Curcubita pepo), Punica granatum (Pomegranate bark), and quassia (Picraena excelsa). The clinical safety and effectiveness of these herbs have not been scientifically studied, however.
Bureaucrat, administrator