
Peru Balsam

3 bytes removed, 11:34, 1 May 2018
/* Health Benefits and uses of Peru Balsam */
* Antiseptic: The active ingredients in Balsam of Peru essential oil have been connected with the elimination of germs and bacteria, cleansing areas that may be susceptible to invasion or infection. By topically applying this to the skin, it can form a protective layer for your body’s largest organ. This is also why Balsam of Peru essential oil is so widely used in the prevention/treatment of scabies, which are caused by mites. Balsam of Peru essential oil is commonly considered anti-mite, as this is one of the most popular applications in its original countries.
* Bronchitis and Respiratory Conditions : Balsam of Peru essential oil is incredibly helpful in respiratory conditions in which there is productive cough. It acts as an expectorant and helps the lungs expel all the attached phlegm. This clears the airway from congestion and provides relieved breathing. In this way, it helps in cold, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia and other conditions which overproduce phlegm. For these conditions, add 3 – 4 drops of Peru Balsam essential oil in a vaporizer and let its aroma diffuse in the air all around. Its sweet cinnamon like aroma helps one to breathe easily and congestion is reduced. After a few minutes, do a warm salt water gargle as a home remedy to loosen the phlegm. This procedure also reduces inflammation in the nose and throat. Because of its antibacterial activity, it kills some species of bacteria in the air, especially when mixed with other antibacterial essential oils like tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil.
* * Anxiety and Stress: Balsam of Peru essential oil has long been turned to for relief from mental afflictions, particularly nerves, anxiety, and stress. A session of aromatherapy inhalation will allow Balsam of Peru essential oil to induce hormonal shifts and reduce the stress hormones in your system, thereby allowing you to calm down and giving your body a break from the exhausting state of stress.
* Sore Muscles : Add about 2 – 3 drops of Peru balsam essential oil in about 100 ml of carrier oil. Massage the painful muscles with this oil combination. It reduces inflammation within the cramped muscle and provides relief from soreness in a few hours. Apply this home remedy 2 times a day. (see Precautions !!)
* Stress : The aroma of Peru Balsam essential oil is soothing to the senses. Its aroma can lower your stress after a tiring day at work or help to reduce stress due to some stressful situation. One can inhale its aroma by diffusing it in a diffuser or oil burner, or one can add a few drops to a bath. Either way it reduces stress and mental exhaustion.
Bureaucrat, administrator