
Epsom Salt

285 bytes added, 18:11, 10 November 2017
/* Health Benefits and uses of Epsom Salt */
*[[Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)]] : Warm soaks in the tub before bedtime with Epsom salts, apple cider vinegar, or baking soda.
*[[Edema]] : It has been suggested that concentrations of magnesium in the tissue between cells affects enzymes that control swelling and inflammation. When magnesium diffuses through the skin during soaking, the extracellular magnesium increases and could decrease the inflammatory response. (ref#2) Salty water is also able to draw out the liquid from a surface edema through osmosis, causing the water to diffuse from the edema into the salty water.
*[[Cataract]]: Twice daily, close your eyes and bathe them with hot (but not scalding) water containing Epsom salts. In addition, take an Epsom salts bath at least twice a week. Remain in the bath from twenty-five to thirty-five minutes till you perspire freely. After the bath, cool off gradually.
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