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Other Names: Abebrødstræ, Adansonia, Adansonia bahoba, Adansonia baobab, Adansonia digitata, Adansonia situla, Adansonia somalensis, Adansonsia sphaerocarpa, Adansonia sulcata, Adansonie d' Afrique, Affenbrotbaum, African Baobab, Afrikaanse Kremetart, Afrikanischer Baobab, Albero Bottiglia, Albero di Mille Anni, Apebroodboom, Apenbroodboom, Arbre à Palabre, Arbre Bouteille, Arbre de Mille Ans, Bao Báp Châu Phi, Baob, Baoba, Baobab Africain, Baobaba, Baobabu, Baobab Afrykanski, Baobab Agaci, Baobab del África, Baobab Africain, Baobab Africano, Baobab de Mahajanga, Baobab de Mozambique, Baobab Fruit, Baobab Milk, Baobab of Mahajanga, Baobab Prstnatý, Baobab Seed, Baobab Seed Oil, Baobab Tree, Baobab Wlasciwy, Baobab Yemisi, Baovola, Bawbab, Boab, Boaboa, Boringy, Bottle Tree, Boy, Bozobe, Calebassier du Sénégal, Cream-Tartar Tree, Dead Rat Tree, Dton Baobab, Ethiopian Sour Bread, Fruit de Baobab, Graine de Baobab, Gros Mapou, Harilik Ahvileivapuu, Hou Mian Bao Shu, Huile de Graines de Baobab, Imbondeiro, Judas Fruit, Judas Fruit Trees, Kremetart, Kremetartboom, Lait de Baobab, Maymun Ekmegi Agaci, Mboio, Mboy, Monkey Bread Tree, Noce d'Egitto, Pain de Singe, Rainiala, Reniala, Ringy, Sefo, Shagar El Bawbab, Shagar Khubz El Qurud, Sour Gourd, Upside-Down Tree, Vanoa, Vontana.<br>Baobab (Adansonia digitata) is a tree native to certain tropical regions in Africa, including South Africa, Botswana and Mozambique. Baobab trees produce fruit with a powdery pulp found to contain high amounts of vitamin C. Often consumed as a food or added to beverages, baobab fruit is sometimes used for medicinal purposes. Inside the fruit is where the Seeds are found. These are simply cold-pressed and in a very straightforward, natural process Baobab oil is gained.
==Special Precautions of Baobab==
==Benefits and uses of Baobab are==
When in season the Baobab tree grows huge fruit. This is also the reason the tree is sometimes known as the ‘monkeybread tree’. The fruit already dries inside the shell and can be eaten. It is extremely rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which gives the fruit a pleasant, sour taste. In areas where Baobab grows the fruit is very popular with children. Inside the fruit is where the Seeds are found. These are simply cold-pressed and in a very straightforward, natural process Baobab oil is gained. * In traditional African medicine, baobab fruit is used to treat a number of illnesses (including asthma, fever, diarrhea, malaria and smallpox). * In addition, practitioners of traditional African medicine often use baobab fruit to curb inflammation.
* Anti-Oxidant : Baobab-containing products are often marketed as a rich source of antioxidants. Some proponents claim that, due to their antioxidant content, products made with baobab fruit can help slow the aging process and protect against major illnesses like heart disease and cancer. Baobab is also said to protect against inflammation-related conditions (including type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and allergies, as well as heart disease and cancer). In recent years, manufacturers have begun adding baobab fruit to juices, energy drinks, energy bars and dietary supplements. Often marketed as a "superfruit," baobab is typically touted as a rich source of antioxidants. For instance, baobab is sometimes said to contain greater amounts of vitamin C than oranges and other citrus fruits.
* Skin-Care : Additionally, baobab fruit is sometimes used as an ingredient in skin-care, hair-care and body-care products. Some personal-care products contain baobab oil, which is extracted from the seeds of the baobab tree. Research shows that baobab seeds are rich in essential fatty acids (such as linoleic acid) that may help improve the skin.
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