
Inula Essential Oil

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/* Health benefits and Uses of Inula Essentia Oil */
Analgesic, Anti-allergenic, Anti-anxiety, Anti-asthmatic, Antibacterial, Antidepressant, Antifungal, Antihistamine, Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Antispasmodic, Antitussive, Antiviral, Cicatrisant, CNS depressant, Decongestant, Expectorant, Immune support, Mucolytic, Sedative, Skin care (wounds)
* Inula essential oil is renown among skilled aromatherapists as the most powerful essential oil for all sorts of adverse respiratory conditions. From bronchial conditions such as asthma or congestion to the flu, Inula is an impressive mucolytic although this remarkable essential oil does not possess the degree of camphoraceous notes one would expect as is generally the case with mucolytic essential oils. The aroma is camphoraceous as evidenced by its Camphene content, but there is a unique slightly floral sweetness that transforms this essential oil into a most pleasant aromatic.In chest rubs and inhalers Inula essential oil is a must have! If suffering from sinus infection or flu/cold symptoms just a few drops in a diffuser bedside during the night opens sinus passages, gives clear breathing and is calming to the body especially during flu aches and pains. Blending with other mucolytic essential oils such as Angelica Root, Saro or Rosalina results in an extremely pleasant and comforting aroma for the diffuser.
* There are scholarly articles such as this one on PubMed citing Inula essential oil an antibacterial against Staphylococcus aureus.
* Bornyl acetate exhibits a wide range of activity including:
**analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
* Inula graveolens contains upwards of 26.2% borneol. Inula exhibits antibacterial activity. Taken together, our findings suggest that the bactericidal activity of I. graveolens and S. corsica essential oils resides in their ability to detrimentally affect the integrity of the plasmic membrane and the cell wall of Staphylococcus aureus.
* Inula graveolens exhibits acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory activity.
* anti-leukemic?
* ''Csurhes S and Zhou Y. (2008). Pest plant risk assessment: Stinkwort Dittrichia graveolens.The state of Queensland. Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries.''
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