
Oregano Essential Oil

3,527 bytes added, 15:44, 16 June 2019
/* Health Benefits and Uses of Oregano Essential Oil */
==Health Benefits and Uses of Oregano Essential Oil==
* [[Aromatherapy]] for Kapha and Vata Imbalance.
* Fighting bacteria : Thanks to the high levels of carvacrol, oregano oil may help fight certain types of bacteria. For instance, Staphylococcus is a common type of bacteria that causes staph infection. Some strains occur naturally in the body, but when the bacteria grow too quickly, it can cause bothersome symptoms. Research shows that carvacrol is effective in eliminating the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, two common causes of infection. Taking oregano oil supplements or rubbing it on the skin may help a person make use of these antibacterial effects. Researchers are also exploring the use of oregano oil for antibiotic-resistant bacteria. The authors of a study in Frontiers in Microbiology found that a combination of oregano oil and silver nanoparticles effectively eliminated all the bacteria they tested.
*Treating small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Oregano oil may help treat chronic bacterial issues, such as SIBO. People with SIBO experience gastrointestinal problems due to an overgrowth of certain bacteria in their intestines. A 2014 study found that herbal remedies, including one that contained high levels of both carvacrol and thymol, were effective tools in treating SIBO. Exploring the individual effects of each compound will require more research, but these initial findings may be promising.
* Treating fungal infections : Oregano oil also appears to be a potent antifungal agent thanks to high levels of thymol. Research from 2015 found thymol to be an effective treatment for common Candida fungal infections. The research was conducted in test tubes, however, and determining oregano oil's effectiveness will require more studies in humans. Candida causes several types of infections, including:
**oral thrush
**yeast infections
**infected toenails or fingernails
**athlete's foot
* Immune System Support : There’s a lot of evidence to show that oregano oil is a powerful tool for the immune system, especially when it encounters outside invaders. One study straight from the United States Department of Agriculture reported that oregano oil has such a strong action against germs that it could easily defeat Salmonella.These findings were echoed by researchers at the Department of Physiology & Biophysics at Georgetown University Medical Center who said, “New, safe agents are needed to…overcome harmful organisms… Based on our previous experience and that of others, we postulated that herbal essential oils, such as those of origanum (oregano oil) ... offer such possibilities.”
* Protection Against Harmful Organisms : If you’ve consumed undercooked meat or impure water, or other risky actions, harmful organisms are likely to be residing inside of your body. Thankfully, oregano oil is shown to be extremely useful for getting rid of these unwanted invaders. One study examined the relationship between oregano oil and certain harmful organisms in stool and found that taking 600 mg of oregano oil daily prompted their complete disappearance.
* Promotes a Balanced Mood : Studies have found that some compounds in oregano oil, including carvacrol, thymol, and terpinene may positively influence the nervous system and mind. Aromatherapy with oregano oil seems to promote a healthy mood, reduce stress, and inhibit emotional abnormalities.
* Digestive Aid : Health begins in the gut! Good digestion is absolutely necessary to experience good health. While I recommend using an oxygen-based colon cleanser to clean out your digestive tract, stopping the build-up in the first place needs to be part of the plan, and oregano oil can help.[5] Oregano oil is known to stimulate the flow of bile into the digestive organs, enhancing the digestive process.
* Supports Graceful Aging Providing antioxidants : Perhaps the hottest health trend of the past few years Oregano oil is the science of combating agingalso a potent antioxidant. It’s important to understand that aging is largely affected Antioxidants help protect the body from damage caused by oxidation oxidative stress and free radicals, which is why antioxidants are so effective. Oregano oil offers Oxidative stress may lead to increased DNA damage and cell death. Oxidation may also play a huge amount of role in other issues, such as arthritis, atherosclerosis, and some cancers. Thymol and carvacrol are powerful antioxidants that can aid in the defense against these free radical aging-acceleratorsmay help reduce oxidation. The researchers suggested that further studies explore safe doses for regular use.
*Allergy Support : If you suffer from allergies and environmental sensitivities, the soothing properties of oregano oil are appealing. Oregano oil — and particularly the carvacrol, rosmarinic acid, and thymol oils it contains — can produce a soothing effect on redness and swelling associated with allergies, which ultimately encourages relief. For those wishing to avoid harsh medications, oregano oil may be a natural alternative for curtailing the undesirable effects associated with environmental sensitivities.
* Weight Loss : In addition to its reputation as a natural immune booster, oregano oil also packs a punch against unwanted body fat. Its main active ingredient, carvacrol, is thought to modulate genes and reduce irritation in white adipose tissue. In one study, when fed a high-fat diet, mice not given carvacrol quickly became obese. In contrast, mice given carvacrol gained significantly less weight and even had lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in their blood.
*Eases Pain and Discomfort : Aches and stiffness can wreak havoc and negatively impact your quality of life. While studies on topical application are limited, research has shown oregano has analgesic or pain-relieving properties in animal studies. Simply add a few drops of organic oregano oil to a carrier oil, like organic olive oil and apply topically to the affected area for relief. If you suffer from sore muscles, sports injuries, and backaches, this is one benefit you'll appreciate.* Colds : Oregano oil isn't a cure for the cold, but it can help you feel better. It may reduce the discomfort of your cold symptoms. The essential oil can help promote easy breathing, calm a cough, and soothe a sore throat, especially when used in combination with other essential oils like eucalyptus, rosemary, and mint.[1] When I start to feel under the weather, I place 3 to 6 drops into an empty capsule and take 2 to 3 times daily before meals. A 5 to 10-day regimen can work wonders.
* Calms Lip Blemishes : Many people apply oregano oil to lip blemishes with the belief it will help soothe the area and accelerate healing time. Research is ongoing to pinpoint the validity of this use. Carvacrol may promote resistance against the harmful organisms that cause lip blemishes.
* Food Preservation : Spices and herbs, like oregano, have a long history of food preservation and safety. Many types of food, especially raw meat, are a haven for harmful bacteria. Oregano oil may help resist harmful organisms. Studies show that essential oils, including oregano, halt the spread of organisms in spoiled fruit juice, and aged meat.
*Supports Liver Health : Toxins exist in our water, food, and even the air we breathe. The ever-present barrage of toxins in our environment is extraordinary, and the burden it places on the liver is equally mind-boggling. Carvacrol may support the normal function of the liver, the body’s primary detoxifying organ.
*Acts As a Powerful Antioxidant : Oregano oil has many powerful antioxidants — molecules that counteract the free radical damage that oxidizes cells, leading to aging and disease. Oregano’s constituent phytochemicals, including carvacrol, rosmarinic acid, thymol, and others, are antioxidant molecules.Reseachers believe these antioxidants are the reason why oregano oil has been shown to help so many different aspects of health, including heart health, nervous system health, and systemic redness and swelling throughout the body.
* Reducing inflammation : Oregano may have anti-inflammatory properties.
Some sources claim that oregano oil may help reduce inflammation. The compound carvacrol shows anti-inflammatory effects in both animal models and in vitro studies. Research from 2017 looked at a variety of investigations into carvacrol's anti-inflammatory effects. In one study on mice, the compound prevented obesity by affecting the genes involved in inflammation. In another animal study, the compound reduced swelling. While the results show promise, the researchers have called for more tests on humans to determine a safe dosage.
* Healing wounds : Applying diluted oregano oil to the skin may help protect smaller cuts and scrapes on the skin as they heal. Compounds such as thymol and carvacrol could protect these types of wound from bacterial infections.
* Fighting cancer : Some sources claim that oregano oil may help fight some cancers. One review notes that the essential oil from oregano helps prevent some types of colon cancer and breast cancer from growing in test tubes. The oil also appeared to inhibit the growth of some lung cancer and prostate cancer cells. Much of the research in cancer comes from test tubes or animal models, so people should view the results with caution and never use oils as a replacement for medical treatment.
* Repelling insects : Both carvacrol and thymol may be effective insect-repellents. In 2017, researchers found that these compounds repelled some ticks and mosquitos. The research included test tube studies and those with human participants. More research will help confirm this potential benefit, but rubbing diluted oregano oil on the skin may be a natural way to help repel insects.
*''Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, Essential Oil Safety (Second Edition. United Kingdom: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2014), 376.''
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