

1 byte removed, 17:12, 18 October 2011
/* The benefits of Selenium are */
*Fish : Fish is a heart healthy food, a good source of protein, and rich in vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12. Orange roughy provides the most selenium with 88μg (126% RDA) per 100 gram serving, 75μg (107% RDA) per 3 ounce serving. It is followed by canned tuna, canned anchovies, swordfish, pickled herring, and lastly tilefish which provides 52μg (74% RDA) of selenium per 100 gram serving, or 44μg (63% RDA) per 3 ounce serving.
*Sunflower Seeds : Sunflower seeds are great as a snack or as an addition to salads, they are also a great source of vitamin E, iron, vitamin B1 (thiamin), B6, protein, magnesium, potassium, and copper. Sunflower seeds provide 79μg (113% RDA) of selenium per 100 gram serving, that is 102μg (145% RDA) of selenium per cup hulled, and 22.2μg (32% RDA) per ounce.
*Bran (Wheat, Rice, and Oat) : Rice, Wheat, and Oat bran are great additions to breads and breakfast cereals like oats, rye, and buckwheat.Wheat bran contains 78μg (111% RDA) of selenium per 100 gram serving, which is 45μg (64% RDA) per cup, and 3μg (4% RDA) per tablespoon. Oat bran provides 45μg (65% RDA) of selenium per 100 grams, and rice bran contains much less selenium with 17μg per 100 gram serving.
*Caviar: Caviar is not as expensive as people think and is a great source of iron, protein, and vitamin B12. 100 grams of caviar will provide 65.5μg (94% RDA) of selenium, or 18μg (26% RDA) per ounce, 10.5μg (15% RDA) per tablespoon.
*Bacon and Pork Chops: Despite being a high cholesterol food bacon is a good source of selenium. 100 grams of bacon will provide 65μg (93% RDA) of selenium, or 5μg (7% RDA) per slice. Lean pork chops provide 43μg (61% RDA) of selenium per 100 gram serving, 31μg (44% RDA) per chop.
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